Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicare Program; Revisions to the Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Benefit Programs

GAO-09-51R October 3, 2008
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GAO reviewed the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) new rule on revisions to the Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Benefit Programs. GAO found that (1) the rule changes the Medicare Advantage regulations to conform to new statutory requirements regarding special needs plans, private-fee-for-service plans, regional preferred provider organizations plans, and Medicare medical savings accounts plans, implements new statutory provisions governing cost-sharing for dual-eligible enrollees in the Medicare Advantage program prescription drug pricing, coverage, and payment processes in the Part D program, and sets forth new requirements governing the marketing of Part C and D plans; and (2) the CMS complied with applicable requirements in promulgating the rule.