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Current status? Spectacular faceplant on whistler mountain.
car booked for whistler tomo. love zipcar.
In times of such economic uncertainty, its probably not wise to leverage up 5x and borrow 10x income like I just did
still pretty choked about #mumbai - happy that my colleague Alex made it out but thinking of the ppl still trapped
terrorists hijacked a police car and drove around shooting ppl #mumbai
so pissed at the attacks in Mumbai
Omg Slumdog Millionaire is an awesome movie. Up there with City of God. Go watch.
going back to krav after way too long
Watching shazz game. Numbers game went pretty well.
it occurs to me that all these preemptive job cuts contribute towards the recession they are meant to protect from
@nivi quite a few, India has a Punjabi PM, a white President, and a former muslim President
i can't believe it, let this moment go down in history!
haha, the BBC just asked Bush's speechwriter if this election was Bush's fault, that must of hurt.
hey you, redneck, welcome to how the rest of the world felt in 2000 and 2004.
@collision I don't actually know - but his stage has been set up surrounded by bullet proof glass
really want to stay up for this moment of history, and watch Obama's speech, but not sure I can
obama got pennsylvania!!!!
Omg. Palin wouldn't say who she voted for to a reporter just now, & decided to exercise her 'right to privacy'. Can she really be that dumb?
@sacca so did you see Palin?
watching Obama cast his vote in Chicago


Jack Dorsey Jeremy Adam Rugel Evan Williams sara Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Chris Sacca kareem Gustaf Sumon sharon.taggar Harjeet Janina cricket Philip Wilkinson Pelle dotBen jamescoops Michael Ossareh Sam Purtill Nivi paul Robby Walker Naval Ravikant hotdogsladies Pierre Omidyar Tim Weber Wayne Paul Buchheit Josh Wilson Steven Levy alexis ohanian Barack Obama Michael Arrington