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Office (dead-)pool Y! is clearly purging before being acquired. Cutting R&D says they want to get bought by old media. Who? When? How much?
RT @diveintomark: Some industries, when confronted with going digital, think "I know, I'll use DRM!" Now they have 2 problems. (hat tip jwz)
RT @om: if you are laid off by yahoo and want to talk get in touch with me.
New Ilinois politics motto: "We're Louisiana, but with more snow..."
RT @dangillmor: most amazing element of illinois pol scandal: notion that silencing an editorial page writer would mean anything...
@namnum Weirdly, for txt like <a href="">New spammer</a>, gmail filter will catch New spammer *but not Voc ......
@MKraft Just use Gmail in Firefox, as I need multi-machine access and <3 thread view. Looking for gmail-native way of fighting evil V ......
Does anyone know how to get gmail to delete mails with "VocusPR" *in the link text*? World's biggest PR spammers, but I can't filter them!
Oy. New and *imporved* BoingBoing link: Iam too tired to even shorten a URL correctly...
Oops. Better BoingBoing link on of me calling bullshit on the Rosenbaum thesis of hapless newspaper people:
Ron Rosenbaum defends newspaper ppl:"We misunderstood what was happening, but at least we didn't learn anything." Me on RR
@ninavizz Who cares if we invalidate decades of customs?Why should the taxpayer subsidize dumb beliefs, by the UAWor anyone else?
@ninavizz But an expectation of a job for life is dumb. "The world doesn't owe you a living" isn't just for artists,
@pnh We obviously disagree, but I'm not sure why we'd bail out GM but not CircuitCity or Yahoo-UAW members more deserving than stock clerks?
@KathySierra About asking people why they do things (they don't know), cog scientsts often say "Don't ask the person, ask the brain."
@pnh If we didn't have more mfg capacity than needed, Big 3 wouldn't be in trouble, nu? Same as's nothing special about mfg.
@NurtureGirl Part of a larger conversation - we were tweeting about organization generally, and I remembered Freeman paper in that context.
@pnh ~1M jobs figure is whole effect, not just UAW. If we have more mfg capacity than we need, why "save" it? We didn't save dot coms.
@NurtureGirl But unmitigated structureless as an end point is ineffective, even on a spectrum.
@NurtureGirl Freeman's essay ( is <abt gender org issues than *org* issues -- question of social structure generally


Rael Dornfest veen Dennis Crowley Jerry Michalski danah boyd Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Ross om Mr Messina Michael Sharon janice fraser President Monteiro GregElin Michael Sippey joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Caterina Josh Knowles Nelson Minar Nick Sears Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Justin Hall Anil Dash slavin Clive Thompson Joi Ito Adam Greenfield glowlab David Sifry David Weinberger Julian Dibbell Dan Gillmor Jessica Margolin Matthew Burton