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@Faceyman @jb_launchingpad .. at least he won't be rehabbing on the golf course with Tim Hudson & Mike Hampton. Steinbrenner boys "All-in"
@Architek1 absolutely. He traced it through evolution of percussive instruments - well done, great music & side of Bela you don't see, funny
@Architek1 in telluride this summer Bela Fleck introduced his Bring Down Your Heart documentary tracing the banjo back to Africa. Fantastic
@Architek1 other than Kings of Leon .. what else? What documentaries? Trying to Break Your Heart is a multiple viewing
@Architek1 great to meet up with you last night at #smcatl .. lets talk more music in the near future, never did get to hear your favorites
@danielmclark my wife shakes her head at me in amazement .. admits she could never do it :-)
@samharrelson @bradwaller @danielmclark .. ever notice the late night hours when we roll?. coincidence? See you at the GeekDadsAtHome
@samharrelson @danielmclark .. Sign me up! My brother in law in CA. is full time childcare provider. He 's got himself a good local network
Client decided to make the horrendous "bad economy budget cut", online marketing has to go along w/ other marketing $$ .. some never learn
just remembered a project deliverable for monday that needs a little collaboration ...oops, good thing I checked. Fortunately not huge
my Twitterific Iphone app has been bugging out on my all afternoon .. to the point now where I'm going to uninstall / reinstall
@CoolpapaC just chatting with @JB_Launchingpad ... He's game for podcast on Sunday pm if that'll work for Mr. Pete
@regator great to meet you at #smcatl .. thanks for the hospitality. Best of luck with the Open Web Awards.
Finishing up Atlanta Social Media Club ... After meeting convo always better than program. #smcatl
@Marc_Meyer wow we talking about same people? Politics messed orig scope, But rather than patch the aqueduct I want them to build to future
@Marc_Meyer having same prob with client on Teleric CMS tried to move to a blog platform by paralysis intervened
@SoxPinkPony389 forgot you are here in the south :-) I'm in Atl so watched tons of Braves. He is perfect match for Sox incl protect Papi
@SoxPinkPony389 Texiera is even better when you see him play every day (esp defense) Good signing if they can. What's the word on Lowell?
Hanging w/ @coolpapac at the old Caribou after client meeting. Plotting the future. Looking forward to #smcatl tonight


om Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus WDavidStephenson Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Andrea Mercado Doug Haslam Paul Jones Rich Orris David Pitkin Jeremy Botter Sam Harrelson Richie Brett Nordquist francine hardaway Kyle Flaherty Jeremiah BrianLittleton Christian Burns Stephen Anderson Haiko de Poel Jr. Loxly a.k.a Deborah Andy Rodriguez Tris Hussey Peter Clough Scott Jangro Lisa Carolyn Tang Shawn Collins Tim Daloisio Kevin Rose Billy Kay Jay Cuthrell ted murphy Loic Le Meur
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