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disappointed at who was cast as edward in twilight
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can anyone hook me up with a super man cape - adult size?
i guess i am getting a new car. someone just trashed mine (and two others) as they careened down our street. must drink something now.
hearing a fog horn in the middle of the night is one of my favorite things about living in san francisco.
I'm very happy to have joined the satisfactory.
should i be disturbed that i am listening to karoke on myspace?
counting down the days until nadav comes home
theory: ambient noise can connect you emotionally to someone far away more than words can
just reading nadav's quote in a business week article on designing for mobile
I hate it when good friends move from SF to exotic locations
savoring a cold hike at tennessee valley beach today
@ captaincursor: i have not joined the borg ;-)
feeling good about the delicious tapas lunch i had at the goog today
eli: i wish i had a car that could drive us along the tips of the trees.
have i told you that riggins asked me to the prom!!! ok it was just a dream but i was SO excited. mmmm. friday night lighs.


Erika Hall Amanda President Monteiro lane evany Thor Muller Amy Muller Leslie Chicoine Scott Hirsch Jennifer Pahlka george corzine toonlet Lance Arthur Courtney Skott Nadav Savio Sameer Patel Han Wang moses Lucie Moses captaincursor kwindbigler aaron alanna risse kristenberry lowflyingrocks David Kaye ki rubin Kirsten