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Packing to leave for Toronto tomorrow, looking forward to seeing family, friends and #hohoto
just added Seinfeld to my netflix queue...Can you believe I know someone that has never really watched it! Unacceptable.
planning my trip to Toronto Dec13-27 for xmas!
The rushed angry women ahead of me in line had my latte added to her bill by accident.. Sweet justice.. Free latte :)
anyone know a good site to compare US Internet service plans?
finishing my last day in #Vancouver, hitting Tim Hortons, Ikea then the US border... Seattle here I come
in #Canada just had a Tim Hortons donut..mmm! oh yeah check out awesome photo project from Pete Forde
Rule #7: Have one conversation a day where you do not mention or reference yourself or your accomplishments
found a sweet jacket... time for Chinese Food with Ivana and my bro then a birthday party at a local bar for the beez #Vancouver
Artists aren't merely capable of shipping. They insist on it. Paul Graham
in vancouver looking for a latte and a rainjacket
Heading to vancouver to see my brother.. Time to turn data off on the phone.. See you all Wednesday :)
my friend Anton just launched muxtapes for music videos!...shhh don't tell MTV
Heading over to the fluer's for a classic American thanksgiving! Super greatful for all my friends and family
going to #smith with smith, sinclair @ jabes.. Mmm gin and burgers
My new kicks just arrived from eBay.. Sweet way to start off the holidays!
Running early for once .. Having my morning latte at victrola for here not to go.
Awesome night with @spangley @rickwebb @bustermcleod and crew who knew belltown could me so much fun :-)
Heading to a potluck at the benson's, left my car at home and brought lots of wine
At black bottle with @spangley and crew. Much fun


Evan Williams seanbonner Richard Ault Jay Goldman Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Buster McLeod David Crow Aubrey Sabala Cameron Walters eric L Jevon Thomas Purves Keith Kevin Cheng Tantek Çelik Mike Stickel Ryan King ian c rogers Jeff Croft Eris Stassi Anil Dash Rannie Turingan Dan Grigsby Coley Wopperer Matt Cahill Trammell micah Rick Webb Will Pate WilloToons ali watkins Rudy Jahchan Mark Kuznicki Leila Boujnane Andre Gaulin