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Socializing at @bretttrout 's office, still planning on getting to @roxiecopeland 's cd release, hopefully
oh well if you havent' figured out I am a conservative by this point you haven't been listening. But I love all my liberal friends.
I wish there was a way to knwo if I lost any followers for gabbing politics (for kinda a long time)
ok well I gotta agree with @Kenny only with no beers in my future. ciao politicos
I am excited for my office's Christmas Lunch today.
@shanereiser fantastic point! @AlexanderDsm if they treat workers like crap, they have high turnover which affects profit.
Companies have to be allowed to fail. Pain must be felt. This is life. If we(Gov) try to fix it, an even bigger "bubble" happens.
@jusx I think that the CEO thing will straighten itself out if the gov doesn't bail out the failing companies.
HAHAHA oh come on @AlexanderDsm you let him spin you up. peole say shit like that just to get under your skin.
@AlexanderDsm you can devalue it all you want but if there is a shortage the wage will increase on its own to "lure" people in no Gov needed
@AlexanderDsm You are talking about a company because you are talking wages. How is that not related?
@alexanderdsm the financial market is a GREAT example of the governement butting its nose in. Who forced banks to give out risky loans
@abrudtkuhl I *love* politics. This is the perfect Friday conversation!
@AlexanderDsm I believe capitalism solves a lot of current probs, when its allowed to work. Gov intervention has caused the problem.
@alexanderDsm and when there is a shortage of a job people get paid more because they are in demand. Capitalism FTW!
@alexanderdsm wait doesn't government run the schools?
@alexanderdsm if you don't reward skill (ie higher wages etc.) you lose the best and brightest and you encourage mediocrity
Baconaise! Um does anyone else think this sound both disgusting, yet delicious?


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