For Immediate Release
November 19, 2008

Baird Announces Millions in Funding for Science Education

Washington, D.C. – The Southwest Washington Workforce Development Council is about to receive a two million dollar federal grant to help fund educational programs focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).   This is one of only five Department of Labor grants awarded nationwide.  The money will help retrain dislocated workers, as well as target high school and alternative school students to help better educate them for the jobs of tomorrow.   Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA-03) is one of the leading advocates in Congress for science and technical education.   He chairs the Research and Science Education Subcommittee in the House of Representatives, and founded the Congressional Career and Technical Education Caucus.  

“Many of the jobs of tomorrow will be focused on science and technology. We need to make sure our workers have the tools they need to succeed in our ever changing world,” said Congressman Baird. “This money is much needed, and is a fantastic investment in our future.”

According to the Department of Labor, as a result of this grant the region can hope to see the following:

  • 850 individuals, including 500 disadvantaged youth, will receive a full range of services from assessment to mentoring, remediation, training, job search assistance, and on-the-job support
  • 62% of the disadvantaged youth will enter post-secondary training or employment
  • 85% of the dislocated workers will enter post secondary training
  • 200+ will enter STEM-related employment



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