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mat1583 - McBee`s barbecue pit in Jourdanton TX. Man was it tasty! Top 3 fav. - Fic is ready to take off for San Antonio. Woot!
Looks like there are going to be some delays at ATL. Nasty weather on its way.
Interesting day in twitterland. After Wednesday, don't expect to hear much from me till I get back from our trip on Sunday.
@NotFitEnough I use an Ironman Tri watch. You can set a 30 second timer, and the alarm is 10 seconds long. Can do 20 seconds on/10 off
@kwright9 Yes, but I'm not sure who.
@vafromal Which floor? I'm stuck in the basement.
@mrelwood Is @jasonmitchener telling you that it's your time to go 'Home' in the eternal sense? Don't go to sleep!!
@mrelwood Hopefully for @marklee3d neither of those.
Video of the student led, Tommy Tuberville march to the AU president's mansion. Check out the segway cops near the end:
@marklee3d It's the middle of the day. Only stay-at-home moms and retired folks are shopping at this hour. You're an outsider!
@jmccay *shrugs* Most students I've heard complaining in general have no clue how a university functions and makes its decisions.
@scottfillmer You got it. President isn't home! - About 100 showed up. Useless but slightly interesting. - Nice group of students showed up for the Tuberville march. Very peaceful. - So far only 2 police at the presidents Mansion
Correction to my last tweet. The protest is going from Haley to the president's mansion lawn
Going by the Tuberville student led protest/support gathering at noon at Toomer's corner. Look for Twitpics, maybe video later.
@juiceegapeach It does look pretty nasty. He was in good spirits though...joking about it, laughing. Hmm, wonder if he was on pain meds yet. - My hunting trip preparation...a beard. It's rough in Texas!


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