Congressman Baird Buy Green to save Green
This is an image of Congressman Baird with 2003 Military Academy Nominees.

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As most Americans are already aware, climate change is an urgent crisis. Earlier this year, as Chair of the House subcommittee on Research and Education, I had the opportunity to personally lead a Congressional delegation on a trip to Antarctica, the Great Barrier Reef, and the Kuranda rain forest. There, I had an eye-opening experience when I saw firsthand the devastating impacts of climate change on three different and vital ecosystems.

All three of these unique environments face significant challenges not only due to rising temperatures, but also because of ocean acidification caused by increased CO2 in the atmosphere. The result is that if we do not act dramatically and urgently, there is a real possibility that many of the coral reefs, rainforests, and other unique ecosystems will be virtually gone within our life time.

That is the bad news. The good news is that together we can make a pledge to not let that happen. We have an opportunity through real actions to make a difference and change to save our environment. As your representative in Congress, I have already begun to do my part to address this vital challenge. In addition to supporting renewable energy, mandatory increases in fuel economy, and measures to reduce ocean acidification, I have introduced legislation to promote green buildings and other energy savings measures.

In February, after voting against the Economic Stimulus Proposal and the logic that a quick jolt to the economy won’t help Americans in the long run, I introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives that calls on all Americans to spend their rebate checks on energy-efficient products and services. I have also created a plan, called “20 in 20,� calls on all Americans to reduce their carbon footprint by 20 percent in 20 weeks.

Throughout the next year, I look forward to working in Congress, the Third District, and nationwide to promote programs and partnerships that will inspire Americans to change their behaviors and everyday routines to go “green.� Together, if we make this pledge, we can all make a difference that will not only save the beautiful environment that we cherish so deeply today, but will also preserve this treasure for our children and their children in the years ahead.

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