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One day after the Elves, tonight was dinner with order of Fishmask. Same. Different.
Annual Elves dinner. I love those guys.
This Farewell Wednesday the hardest one so far. Grown men crying. One of them me.
At digital meeting, forced to Tweet.
On lightning raid to North Fork. Might as well load up some wine. Lots of wine.
Jarvis is in Oxford and I'm in Passaic. Doesn't seem fair, somehow.
Solved data CD issue. Someone (shogunsquirrel, are you listening) reset the laptop burner settings. There WILL be a Christmas CD this year.
Wondering if there's a difference between a CD and a data CD. Christmas CD at stake.
Working on The Last Christmas CD.
Make that "must have...."
Hieronymus Bosch must has been in some of the same meetings I'm in.
Pimping our terrific "Accidental Artist" for next Sunday by planting the teaser everywhere. Pass it on, Tweets.
At the breakfast table: "That's a huge omelet. What's in it?" "Jimmy Hoffa."
Now she called me a "beer pansy" because I don't like stout. This is a tough room.
My daughter just called me "Jerkface" because I said her pork chop recipe sounded effete.
I laughed all the way thru "Role Models." I'm so ashamed.
Bela the dog eats a Duraflame log. Nephew: "Dont anyone light a match near the dog."
Followed pie overdose with "Role Models." Intellectual nutrition.
Oh oh. Apple crumb pie overdose.