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Anyone have any experience starting their own small business?
@window That was on repeat for a while, for me
They take from 12-25 years to make each. Commercial grade ones can be made an as much as an hour. I feel so bamboozled.
Huh. There are only two real balsamics. "Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena" or "Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia"
Just got back from brunch at Home. Might finish Walk the Line and then do something with M
Beekeeping was fun yesterday. Took all the honeycomb left from extraction and put it in a bowl for nearby bees to rob.
Critical Mass - abusing the road and screwing other taxpayers out of the right to lawfully use the road. Ugh.
Really wish Zivity would let me get all my itunes stuff back. it's been 2 months almost >< I am sad panda.
Autistic, blind, deaf, downsyndrome band has an awesome sound. Did a great concert at the UN:
I swear. I love Beirut.
@noradio oh. Key SF tip. The farmer's market is saturday from 8-2. Ferry building. Best thing ever.
@vorpal Style tips for '08 vamps: shop old navy or a local HS sports locker. The vampires were pretty tacky except for their hair.
Alright. I went to the Metreon and there was a line of men aged 17-28 or so waiting to see the twilight matinee. That was unexpected.
can't sleep. In love. Happy. Need to wake up in 7 hours.
Difficult to use the macbook pro while laying down. the screen is much heavier and is inclined to fall down, whereas the old pro did not
@jwz holy crap these R.Tam sessions from pre-Firefly are amazing.
People always talk about running away to California as if it's some kind of Shangri-La that will solve every problem you run from.
Not only do "some people have no taste", but sometimes they are also vapid and idiotic. Ugh. I feel like the only normal person I know.
Wow. Lamb's Gorecki is the music for the new Tomb Raider. wtf.


Jack Dorsey Philip Kaplan ario oof seanbonner peterme Adam Hertz adam Scott Beale Erika Hall Michael Sippey joshua schachter Sutha Kamal Stewart Butterfield Caterina al Walt Dickinson danhon Emily Chang Kevin Cheng Gabe Wachob Eddie Codel hober Justin Hall Shawn alexchoi Mike Kuniavsky Sean Anil Dash Dan Lurie dotBen Mie Yaginuma Auriea Sofia Kevin Marks John Manoogian III
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