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@peterthourson Going to stay in hostels again?
Two things Alpha Dog did for Justin Timberlake. 1) Showed he can act, really well. 2) Proved that he'd be a great killer.
Still thinking about moving to Japan. is a clear example of the addition of too many features. Extremely bloated and complicated.
Great Goodness! Boxee does Netflix now!
Al Gore's clean coal back lash launches: Really funny ad.
What a miserably snowy day.
@obeattie that's what happens when your product hits the mainstream. Sad to think our society only sees content, and are blind to design.
Wow, the new YouTube navigation is hideous.
Is it just me, or does Facebook never email the important stuff that shows up on my wall? I guess "Whatup" is mort important than real stuff
@jw I think I'll cry if they go bust. They are the hope and dreams of America's innovative car market. The big 3 need to go, not them.
@jw It's still no game changer. I can't wait to see Telsa's sedan.
@superamit Very innovative. When I thought flash video players couldn't get any cuter, Photojojo is on the scene.
@jw Josh, it's a hybrid. Telsa, FTW!
Hustling to become fluent in Japanese.
Now all the dirt comes out about Barack: he uses a Zune.
@hawaii What's so good about the Hele over Sprint?
I would love to drive up to Denver and see @johnnycupcakes speak, but I'm not sure if I can get in.
Greatest. video. ever. I just die watching it:


Justin Williams jake Sarah Hatter Robert S Andersen Justine Amit superamit Gupta Jeff Gerstmann Josh Williams Ryan photomatt Oliver Beattie Major Nelson (Larry) Cameron Moll Jason Santa Maria CNN Breaking News Josh Peek soxiam Kevin Rose Andrew Jonathan Ive hotdogsladies Keegan Jones AJ Vaynerchuk Scott Simpson Cabel M. Sasser Adam Lisagor Joshua Blankenship Patrick Moberg Gary Vaynerchuk Ryan Sims Brad Matt Rubin Stephen Hallgren yongfook Cameron Kenley Hunt