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2009 Presidential Inauguration

Each Member of the House of Representatives will only receive 198 tickets to the Inauguration.  Since Election Day, my office has received well over 10,000 requests for tickets.  Unfortunately, my office can no longer take requests for tickets at this time.

Please be aware of scams. There have been many misleading websites cliaming that tickets are available to be purchased. Tickets to the swearing-in ceremony are only distributed by Members of Congress.

A ticket is not required to attend the Inauguration, but is required to stand in reserved areas on the West Front of the Capitol Building. Arrangements are being made to accommodate the large number of people who are expected to attend without tickets.

The Presidential Inaugural Committee will release information regarding which areas along the National Mall will be open to the general public. For more information, please visit:

Latest News

12.01.08 | Gang Legislation Study Released - WASHINGTON, DC - On Wednesday morning, December 3, 2008, Dr. Barry Krisberg, juvenile justice researcher and President of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD), will release a NCCD critique and comparative analysis of the legislative approaches in the 110th Congress to address gangs.  The critique and analysis will compare S. 456, the "Gang Abatement and Prevention Act" and its House companion, H.R. 3547, with H.R. 3846, the “Youth PROMISE Act” sponsored by Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott.  S.456 and H.R. 3547 both emphasize increased punishment and other suppression approaches; the Youth PROMISE Act emphasizes an alternative approach, using evidenced-based prevention and intervention strategies to prevent crime.  ...(more)

11.26.08 | Rep. Bobby Scott and Marian Wright Edelman to Appear at Youth Violence Summit - WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-VA-03) will hold a summit on Youth Violence on Wednesday, December 3, 2008.  Congressman Scott has invited experts from law enforcement, academia, gang intervention programs, and child advocacy groups to address the need for evidence-based strategies for juvenile justice prevention and intervention.  The Summit will address in particular Rep. Scott’s Youth Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support, and Education Act or “Youth PROMISE Act” (H.R. 3846). ...(more)

11.25.08 | Scott Receives Perfect Score from Leadership Conference on Civil Rights for 110th Congress - WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-VA-03) received a perfect score of 100 percent on the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights’ Voting Record that was recently released.  The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights’ Voting Record monitors Members of Congress’ votes on civil rights issues. ...(more)

10.29.08 | Rep. Scott Disappointed in Lack of Response by Justice Department - WASHINGTON, DC - Today, U.S. Representative Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, (D-VA-3), released the following letter reflecting his disappointment in the lack of a response by the U.S. Department of Justice to his October 17, 2008 letter requesting information on pre-clearance of voting procedure requests by Virginia jurisdictions under Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights Act. ...(more)

10.20.08 | Rep. Scott Expresses Concern to Attorney General About Last Minute Polling Procedure Changes in Virginia - WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, (D-VA-3), sent a letter Friday to Attorney General Michael Mukasey concerning requests made by several jurisdictions in the Commonwealth of Virginia for changes to polling procedures.  Any such changes require “pre-clearance” by the Department of Justice under the federal Voting Rights Act before they can become effective. ...(more)

10.20.08 | Rep. Scott Urges Registrars to be Prepared for Record Voter Turnout - WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, (D-VA-3), sent letters Friday to registrars responsible for precincts in Virginia’s Third Congressional District requesting that ample voting materials and equipment be provided on Election Day due to the record turnout of voters expected on November 4, 2008. ...(more)

If you are experiencing difficulties with a Federal Government agency and you would like assistance from my office, please contact my Newport News District Office at (757) 380-1000. A Caseworker will be assigned to you and allow your process to be handled effectively.  You will also be asked to complete a Constituent Consent and Information Form and fax or mail it to my Newport News Office:

Office of Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott
2600 Washington Ave. Suite 1010
Newport News, VA 23607
(757) 380-1000
(757) 928-6694 FAX

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