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@geosteph and @fireton Wow!! Congrats!! I'm so happy for you both!
is excited that her daughter is due one month from today!!
is trying to not stress about all the things she needs to do before the Holidays and baby arrive.
@geosteph You're only on your 2nd? Amazingly, I've got you beat today!
is listening to Cathy Peddie, Deputy Project Manager, of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission, give an overview to NASA's Museum Alliance
@AnnOhio Yep, baby! I'm due on Jan. 12.
too cool! the baby is responding to me pressing on her!
is dreaming of a white Christmas thanks to Bing Crosby.
yay for @geokitten78 making progress on getting us moved on Center!!
is experiencing a fake contraction
@laurak Hugs to you and Fluffy!
@laurak I'm sorry to hear that your cat is not doing well. 20 years is amazing!
is listening to groovy Christmas lounge music from
is adjusting her office chair in the hopes that it saves her back today.
@bethbeck SpaceSmart sounds really cool! How can I learn more about it?
Happy National Cookie Day! Will someone with cookies please give me one?
trying to remember not to slouch in the interest of seeing if that will make my back not hurt today
@fireton What are chocolate raspberry balls? They sound yummy.


Maggie Mason Ruby Sinreich bryan kennedy Elizabeth Chuck Kaia BBC SciTech Jason Robertshaw Armistead Booker Andy Carvin Barack Obama Andrew Hoppin Mitch Wagner Andrew Turner science Laura K. P-G anji bee Space Chumworth Bud Hunt Düane-預科傢伙™ Sprite AnnOhio Vicki Davis Susan Reynolds Doug Scott Maentz LPI_Library Fluffy Bunny Robbie Schingler NPR News Jessy Cowan-Sharp steph Stockman Frank Ireton NPR Politics Edward King
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