Andrea’s Favorites

Jeremy Keith
adactio Spook Country by William Gibson, Cosmonaut Keep by Ken MacLeod, Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. #3books
snookca with a crown on his head, my son screams, "I'm queen of the jewelry".
walscapades God I love my girlfriends. Andrea, we will be needing a physical representation. Cardboard cutout, perhaps? (Not like it will be the same.)
Matthew Oliphant
matto OH: Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life.
Jeremy Keith
adactio Looking at the wealth of user research data from Eszter Hargittai.
stefsull Assumptions should face daily challenges
Marla Erwin
marlaerwin Tucker Carlson says VP selection is like sex: "the second it’s over, you can barely remember why it seemed so important." Good luck at home!...
craigcook Bacon is meat candy!
Azlan has been left in charge of dinner tonight. Man make fire.
chucknorris_ Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
Matthew Pennell
matthewpennell Daughters just visited me here in the IT department. "Daddy - there's lots of mans, but no ladies..."
Jeremy Keith
adactio Suggesting to David Storey that, instead of bickering with Webkit about acid3, they just whip out their dicks and start measuring.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Scheduling a Mexican accessibility panel opposite a keynote is like scheduling trigonometry opposite handjobs.
craigcook You can catch squirrels with peanut butter and bacon fat. Who *wouldn't* walk into a trap for that? It sounds delicious!
Dan Cederholm
simplebits is learning about flying squirrels.
Rob Weychert
cowpiesurprise remembering that having health insurance pretty much amounts paying for junk mail.
craigcook Just ate my dinner of cold leftover fried chicken straight from the bucket standing over the kitchen sink. That's right ladies, he's single.
snookca from my son this morning: "daddy is my best friend because he has fur all over." Niiice.
Jeremy Keith
adactio Analysing OpenSocial. Feels more like an autopsy on a stillborn technology.
Live Earth
LiveEarth Junking my junk mail! Details on how at:


Lisa McMillan Jeremy Keith Hickensian Erik Timbo Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Stuart Andrew Disley pixeldiva Phu Steve Marshall Indranil Dasgupta Neil Ford luxuryluke Snook Jeff Smith Veerle Pieters Mark Coates Craig Geert Leyseele Matthew Oliphant Faruk Ates Jeff Croft Glenda Sims Nathan Smith Stef. Charles Klein Elly Kev chipd steph Susanna King Carolyn Wood Anton Peck Zach Inglis