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Think I'm going to spend a bit of time working this evening. Lost a bit of time recently, so it would be nice to make some of that up.
Spent quite a bit of this afternoon gathering inspirational bits for my latest client project. Putting Little Snapper to good use!
This photo reminds me of Half-Life 2... which I really need to play again some time soon.
The baby @pepampa watches during the week is just fucking miserable today. I can take my own baby crying, but man, I've had enough of her.
WP 2.7 RC1 sports an alternate (and ugly) blue admin UI for those that weren't crazy about the grey.
Holy hell, I'm listening to Limp Bizkit. Their first album was great, before they discovered hip-hop. Takes me back to the summer of '97.
Updated Addison's blog for the first time in 6 months. Slacker! New (super cute) videos from this afternoon online.
Just uploaded a handful of photos of our decorated house, tree, and wicked cute Christmas baby.
Came across 2 major bugs in Fable 2 so far that required a reload from last save. Lame.
Man, we got a lot of snow over night. Looks nice, but not looking forward to digging us out.
@hotelqueen Addison is always up by 7am now. But on the other hand, she's sleeping shortly after 7pm.
Sitting down to watch Wanted with @pepampa. Don't even know what it's about, but heard it was entertaining.
Traded in The Force Unleashed and bought Fable 2 at EB. I can see my @pepampa really getting into it. Hannah's already playing.
Christmas lights are hung. That was (not) fun. Hopefully they look decent. Hard to tell in broad daylight.
Stayed up too late playing Fable 2. Damn RPGs suck you in! Great game, though. Glad I decided to give it a go.
Watched Prince Caspian on Blu-ray with the family this evening. Really good movie, and looked fantastic!
@kriegs "...or find me on them internets" Hah, shit that is funny!
There's already over 10,000 apps in the iTunes apps store? I knew there was an abundance of garbage, but 10,000?
iTunes says I haven't listened to Moneen in over a year. WTF is wrong with me?
@maxvoltar Nice, thanks for that. Been using Evernote for capturing inspirational pieces, but it's not ideal.