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TITLE: Donald Hall and Witter Bynner Fellowship Awardees Poetry Reading
SPEAKER: Laurie Lamon, David Tucker
EVENT DATE: 03/29/2007
RUNNING TIME: 57 minutes
Poet Laureate Donald Hall presents 2007 Witter Bynner Fellowship awardees Laurie Lamon and David Tucker, who read from their work in an event sponsored by the Poetry and Literature Center.
Speaker Biography: Laurie Lamon is the author of "The Fork Without Hunger" (2005). She was awarded a Pushcart Prize in 2001 for the poem "Pain Thinks of the Beautiful Table." Her work has appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, The New Republic, Ploughshares and other magazines and reviews. Lamon earned a doctorate in English literature in 1988 from the University of Utah, a master's degree in 1982 from the University of Montana and a bachelor's degree in 1978 from Whitworth College, where she is now an associate professor.
Speaker Biography: David Tucker, a graduate of the University of Michigan, studied poetry with Robert Hayden, and his collection, "Late for Work" (2006), won a Bakeless Prize from the Bread Loaf Writer's Conference. His earlier collection, "Days When Nothing Happens," won the 2003 Slapering Hol Press chapbook competition. Tucker has worked for 28 years at leading newspapers and is a member of the New Jersey Star-Ledger team that won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news.