Texas Straight Talk

A weekly column

December 01, 2008: The Neo-Alchemy of the Federal Reserve
As the printing presses for the bailouts run at full speed, those in power are no longer even pretending that the new giveaways will fix our problems.  Now that we are used to rewarding failure with taxpayer-funded bailouts, we are being told that this is “just a start,” more funds will inevitably be needed for more industries, and that things would be much worse had we done nothing. The updated total bailout commitments add up to over $8 trillion now.  This translates into a monetary base increase of 75 percent over the last two months.  This money does not …

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Speeches and Statements

November 20, 2008  The Austrians Were Right
Madame Speaker, many Americans are hoping the new administration will solve the economic problems we face.  That’s not likely to happen, because the economic advisors to the new President have no more understanding of how to get us out of this mess than previous administrations and Congresses understood how the crisis was brought about in the first place.

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Press Releases

October 7, 2008  Congressman Paul Calls for Congressional Page Applicants
Congressman Ron Paul is pleased to announce that he will be able to appoint a Congressional page this year. 

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Interview with Neil Cavuto on Fox News Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008 at 10am EST

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