Are American POWs Still Alive?

November 2, 2005

Washington, DC:  Decades after the conclusion of wars in Korea and Vietnam, are American prisoners of war still alive?  This is the question explored in a provocative new Documentary entitled Missing, Presumed Dead; The Search for America’s POWs. 

Documentary filmmaker Bill Dumas, whose uncle Roger Dumas has been missing in Korea since the 1950s, visited Washington last week to screen the film and garner support for the creation of a congressional committee to investigate cases of missing servicemen.  The ultimate message of the film is very simple: the best way to support our troops is to make sure each and every one of them comes home.

The documentary has received support from many groups, including Rolling Thunder; Task Force Omega; Korea/Cold War Families of the Missing; National Alliance of Families for the Return of America’s Missing Servicemen; and VietNow.

Congressman Paul’s office held a screening of the documentary last week for members of Congress and their staffs, and copies of the film (donated by veterans groups) were provided to every House and Senate office.

Paul issued a brief statement in support of the film, urging his colleagues to co-sponsor H. Res. 123.  H. Res. 123, introduced by Representative Peter King of New York, would establish a select committee on POW and MIA affairs.  Paul stated that “Establishment of this select committee is long overdue, and Congress must not ignore its obligations any longer.”