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I think the 24 hour headache I've had is a direct consequence of not having any caffeine. Will rectify immediately.
Ooh lots of potential here: I'd love something that I could put my keys on that would tell FE I'm home.
@nomorem0nkeys Sorry but I've never bought the argument that "-fag" and "that's so gay" aren't anything but 'tacit' insults to gay people.
I'm finding myself quite interested in going to Alaska to explore at some point.
@nomorem0nkeys You know, I want to be nice and friendly to everyone using Fire Eagle, but honestly 'macfags'?! Anti-gay jokes piss me off.
@ronin691 Ha! One day at a time. The great pile of work I have at the moment goes down so very very slowly. Plus green card applications!
Can't sleep, so watching Stephen Fry in San Francisco. It's nice and reassuring both as a Brit and as an SF resident. Peace.
Awesome Fujiya & Miyagi video found for me by @BenWard:
@zephoria Privacy panel sounds really interesting. If anyone drops out and you're interested in the FE perspective, let me know!
The letter in question:
The letter reads: "All is Lost. Flee at Once. Interim Santuary: 580 California St, Suite 1607. Watchword: Jejune"
@gapingvoid I care because some people take him seriously and they wouldn't if they saw that he doesn't report or comment, but just attacks
Every time I read something that Andrew Orlowski writes I'm stunned by how much he seems to want to spit upon and ridicule other people.
Omigod! Also tiny tilt-shift Monster Trucks!
Mm. Canon 5d Mark II with Tilt-Shift doing video, for omigod it's like a miniature world effect:
I have never deleted an account on a service—I've never even wanted to—before Now Public. WTF is going on there?!
"You don't understand!? They're called DOUBLE STANDARDS because they're TWICE AS GOOD!"
Essentially stunned by the lunacy of:
"Most innovative [of Yahoo's recent geo services] has been location broker service Fire Eagle." Nice:
@mattb's done a Canon 5d Mkii video. Is nice:


Biz Stone noah Evan Williams rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Eric Costello Matt Jones Ross Edward Ho Caroline vOdB tedr Nick Douglas peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Daniel Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale Buster McLeod bryan mason Thomas Vander Wal lane Timo foe Giles Turnbull
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