Tom Coates’s Favorites

faris @plasticbagUK am so sorry - nominated you as most innovative company for fastcompany and meant it
l.m. orchard
lmorchard Damn, Y! layoffs and Brickhouse closing. Last one out, turn off the lights and send a copy of the CVS repo to @textfiles and/or @waxpancake
Jeremy Keith
adactio Heading out to the £5 App where I can rant with my fellow Brightonian geeks about Yahoo fuckwitism instead of just fuming to myself.
Jeremy Keith
adactio Yahoo are bunch of fucking twunts. What kind of dribbling moronic company lays off someone like @BenWard? Fuckwits. Cockbadgers. Pisstards.
Chris Martin
Damien Mulley
damienmulley @plasticbagUK is there a Sarcasm markup tag?
Simon Batistoni
hitherto Once again, dealing with an Onion of Retardedness... every layer you peel off reveals another layer of braindead stupidity. :-/
Nat Torkington
gnat Retweeting @kevinmarks: Is this how we handle conference attending with Twitter?
Ryan Kennedy
rckenned @plasticbagUK Jeremy Clarkson for Y! CEO? he can have the "star in a reasonably priced search engine" portion of his show
seldo I hereby nominate myself for CEO of Yahoo, along with everyone else on my Twitter stream so far tonight.
Stephen Fry
stephenfry Retweeting this from @MCBrennan: "Oddsocks was perhaps the least intimidating Bond villain ever, imho." LMAO x
Stephen Fry
stephenfry Do forgive me, one and all. Attack of lol-fever. It can come on suddenly in these parts. Didn't take my anti-lolarial medication. x
Stephen Fry
stephenfry OMG!!! wee duz toaderlyyy maw f00tage uv leeemerages 2day - laast 2 nite ins maddygaskages WTF!!! kthxbai
Steve Bowbrick
bowbrick The Twittersphere is alive with pent-up Highfield hate
Bobbie Johnson
bobbiejohnson "Ashley Highfield quits Project Kangaroo to join Microsoft". Ha!
Mr Anderson
kevglobal Ashley Highfield: "great to take Project Kangaroo to next stage" and also to take a fat salary for not launching anything. bonus!
Matt Biddulph
mattb ashley highfield and microsoft, together at last. two great tastes that are sure to taste great together.


Biz Stone noah Evan Williams rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Eric Costello Matt Jones Ross Edward Ho Caroline vOdB tedr Nick Douglas peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Daniel Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale Buster McLeod bryan mason Thomas Vander Wal lane Timo foe Giles Turnbull
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