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7:22 a.m. still awake, but resting my eyes.
staying up all night to adjust for dramatic time-zone shift tomorrow. cleaned the kitchen, did laundry and finished some work. now to pack.
late to my book club meeting because i got lost on muni. i am missing crucial analysis of Twilight.
fine, are you happy now?
you be the judge: poodle hair?
my co-worker just told me that my hair today resembles a poodle.
flight back to SF delayed 3 hours. i'm sleepy already.
thankful for @pud -- literally the nicest person i have ever met. bonus: fun and hot and has an awesome sassy grandma.
i made it to the gym! i am truly a master of will-power.
trying to get up the movtivation to go to the gym for the first time in a month. not sure if i will succeed.
just made a pumpkin pie. holiday season has officially begun.
a little delayed due to depression & work - my post-election thoughts on prop 8:
the whole crowd is singing the national anthem. here come the waterworks.
me at the NYC Prop 8 protest
dang, i wish i brought a sign. p.s. the sun came out just in time!
excited to participate in NYC protest against Prop 8 (despite the rain). 300 protests today in 50 states! http://jointheimpact.wetpai...
my dog is freaking out about a cow on tv. i think he thinks it's a dog.
stealing a day of rest: entourage marathon, grocery shopping, cooking with the bf. i'll go back to fighting for our rights tomorrow.


crystal Evan Williams sara Philip Kaplan Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Lawgeek hotdogsladies Barack Obama james hong TheFunded Julia Z Cyan Banister Penn Jillette Fancy gogirltravel eqca No on Prop 8 dcmichaelrose