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@gabewachob Taj Mahal also name of casino in NJ. Some poor NJ middle schooler wrote report on, guess which, Taj Mahal?
#thanksgiving NYT says we should approach it like CEOs? lol omfg
@ejovi You must be hanging out with the wrong kind of lawyers.
@fonstuinsta Utrecht? Don't miss the university museum, basically old cabinet of curiosities on steroids. Weird skeletons, lovely stuff too
@davewiner Lieberman is eeevil but Dems need him until 2009. Once they get majority, I doubt he keeps any leadership role at all.
I wouldn't have thought they could improve this, but today they did: http://www.palinaspresident...
Frank says: Sarah Palin is like Bush plus lipstick -- but minus the Ivy League education.
Please, please, please let this day be over and let Obama be elected by a landslide. Also, ponies for all.
October surprise! US helicopters attack Syria, create crisis plus wedge issue for McCain to exploit
Joe the Plumber is not named Joe and not a plumber. Frank says, "What about 'the'"?
Wow! I can use GarageBand to turn any 40 sec of audio into a ringtone for my iPhone. Bwa ha ha ha. Can't wait to try this.
Great news about Nambu winning Nobel. Bummer that Reuters ripped off my photo and gave me no credit
@jesusisthelord, go blind from that? Do you claim that's a feature, rather than a bug?
@jesusisthelord is following me? Er, I hope he wasn't following me at, oh, about 4 p.m. this afternoon?
I can haz geotagging?
Going to NYC next week, book launch party for Frank's new Lightness of Being book, yay! http://lightnessofbeingbook...
NYDN commenter translates Obama: McCain is the lipstick, GW Bush is the pig.
CNN on our doorstep yesterday, greeted by Frank in his bathrobe. The LHC did not blow up the planet, will LHC-panic guys seek new target?
Big change on Google puts Wikipedia's "Debra Bartoshevich" article pages deep leaving spam results on first page.
I am happy but clumsy


Biz Stone Evan Williams danah boyd Mary Hodder Ross Ken Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Scott Beale Josh Bancroft Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly Sooz Stewart Butterfield l.m. orchard Dean Landsman Adam Weiss Elisa Camahort Zadi Diaz Jack Hodgson Tantek Çelik Stuart Gabe Wachob Natalie Simon Willison Robert Scoble irina slutsky jeneane sessum Phil Wolff photomatt frank Liz Henry Tom Mr Noded
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