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@ferociousj I first read that as "if someone nutritious dies in an accident" which then made me think about ketchup
Spent a chunk of lunchtime persuading a colleague that the Daily Mail is not a parody newspaper. (It was a tough argument.)
@sarahdopp BlunderDelay for Thunderbird:
Merely saying "I am going to do more social things" instantly fills my schedule with friend events. Yay for calDAV-over-morphic-resonance!
@jeffreymcmanus Great suggestion, especially since - criminally - I've never heard it. (Meanwhile, Beck's "Hell Yes" chiptune remixes EP)
Hearing a half-second burst of a vaguely-arcadey-sounding noise has totally put me in the mood for bouncy chiptunes. Recommendations?
"Excuse me, we're trying to riot here." - @eriquita
Liberties (22nd & Guerrero) may be closing for good tomorrow. Tonight is THE FINAL DRINKUP. If this means anything to you, please join us.
@gnat: I think we need a survey of passwords/private keys <-> sexual favours willingness. And you know you are the man to do it.
We're at that "modelling subsets of the set of all porn stars using object-oriented inheritance" stage of the evening. (Two bottles of red.)
Bump into @ferlatte, Nora and Seth outside Udupi Palace, then Jimbo in the Latin American Club. Damn, how I miss that chap.
Am living a nightmare where all the gentiles around me know more about Jewish culture than I do. Wait, that's a Woody Allen movie, isn't it?
Am attempting to persuade the nation of Korea that Linden Lab employees often wear unicorns on their heads.
First Reddit commenters bitch about my (non-existent) combover, then Korean TV films my (existent) bald spot. A bad public hair day.
Resisting urge to ask all my chums to hit and mod up my comment. Hoping subtle suggestion will achieve the same result.
JESUS H CORBETT I appear to be on the front page of with 165 comments talking about what a huge nerd I am. OMG CONFLICTED


kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Rod Begbie May Woo Matt Jones Nick Douglas peterme Mr Messina adam Scott Beale Kyle Ford Giles Turnbull Brian Del Vecchio Stewart Butterfield Thor Muller Cal Henderson brady forrest Jeffrey McManus Mike Rowehl Alicia Simon Batistoni l.m. orchard ribot danhon Jeremy Keith spaceboy Jonhenry Righter Tantek Çelik Natalie ChrisH b4dcaos Simon Willison Leonard Tom Coates Matt Biddulph
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