Yoz’s Favorites

Darrell Brogdon
dbrogdon Checking out Titanium ( Looks promising so far.
Soft Linden
Soft Developing flu made me dumb. Almost checked the microwave manual for how to reconfigure from 2.4GHz to 5GHz to stop Bluetooth interference.
Matt Webb
genmon Unexpected to observe in a capital management meeting: a lengthy, carefully polite, unresolved and farcical mishearing of peanuts/penis.
pollysuperstar we're so frickin festive at Mission control it makes me wanna barf peppermint
hotdogsladies You should see me tweaking this PHP code. I'm like a toddler with a fork, trying to improve an electric outlet.
Nat Torkington
gnat just found the 9 year old on Pirate Bay hunting for Beverly Hills Chihuahua torrents. Had to have a stern talk. (about screeners vs DVDrip)
Sarah Dopp
sarahdopp That whole "ask and you shall receive" feature on the universe is pretty sweet... occasionally buggy, sure, but when it works it's awesome.
JetBlue Airways
JetBlue Wow. Having been asked what our policy actually IS for furries, I must now write the most awkward question ever to our inflight team.
hotdogsladies "Albacore!" "Salomé!" "Fuselage!" "Palindrome!" "Alopecia!" "Bruschetta Marie!" ( ♥ hearing Marin moms yell for their kids )
crayonbeam if I had known Obama wanted to get rid of DST I would've voted for him in the primaries. Wonder if my LambdaMOO post about it still exists.
Annalee Newitz
Annaleen I would just like to assert that I was a trannychaser way before it was cool, OK?
hotdogsladies Statistics prove that only Canadians born in 1963 released books called _Outliers_ yesterday. A phenomenon I call "The Causality Confusion."
Scott Beale
laughingsquid what could you possibility be doing right now that is better than watching a cat ride a Roomba
Tantek Çelik
t Stewart:"u r not playing god, nor r u playing nature." Drew:"I'm an engineer. really intelligent design would have documentation." #@longnow
Jon Sung
ferociousj Nobody needs to know how many times I've watched that trailer today. Just imagine a number and go with it.
xrico My Mom asked me if I felt at home yet when I first moved to NC. I told her I felt at home as soon as I plugged in my router


kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Rod Begbie May Woo Matt Jones Nick Douglas peterme Mr Messina adam Scott Beale Kyle Ford Giles Turnbull Brian Del Vecchio Stewart Butterfield Thor Muller Cal Henderson brady forrest Jeffrey McManus Mike Rowehl Alicia Simon Batistoni l.m. orchard ribot danhon Jeremy Keith spaceboy Jonhenry Righter Tantek Çelik Natalie ChrisH b4dcaos Simon Willison Leonard Tom Coates Matt Biddulph
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