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Twitterverse: Do you use a personal finances web app, and if so which one?
has State of the Web survey FAIL. :(
unsubscribing from the Vitamin News feed - don't really need 500+ items per day to mark as read.
@andybudd I used to work in that hotel bar. ;)
is in Maccy D's en route to home with Daughter #2.
is heading out to collect his little girl from the hospital, finally.
is doing the ironing while watching Iron Man, which is somewhat ironic. Ooh, do you see what I did there? It's the pun that keeps on giving.
is augmenting the current minimalist decorations with a ton of tinsel as a surprise for The Wife and Daughter #2, due home tomorrow.
just added class="engorged" to an HTML template. Heh heh.
@elliotjaystocks Will you be making the source tracks available individually for Radiohead-style fan remixing? :)
@anthony_casey I can beat that - 1254 this morning!
is back in work after almost two weeks. Not much has happened.
just watched Gone Baby Gone. Thought it was going to peter out halfway through, but it was just setting up a phenomenal ending. 8/10
is sitting down to watch Gone Baby Gone.
Screw the "no drinking on weekdays" rule, I'm opening a bottle of red - I'm lonely.
@nefarioustim It really does reward repeat listenings - it's gone from a handful of 2 and 3 stars in iTunes to mostly 4's with a few 5's.
has a new niece! In all the excitement over Daughter #2's hospital trip, I'd utterly forgotten another baby was due.
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!" 10pm, ITV4 in the UK.
is going to pick the other two daughters up from a friend's house - haven't seen them since Thursday morning!
is staying at his antique collector brother-in-law's house, in a room full of samurai swords.


Dan Cederholm Lisa McMillan Melyssa L. Keith Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Si Jobling Norm! David Stone Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Ben Ward H Timbo Derek Featherstone Stuart Andrew Disley pixeldiva Simon Willison Phu Steve Marshall Calum Juan Ignacio Dave Verwer Indranil Dasgupta Neil Ford Beep. Andrea luxuryluke Snook Jeff Smith
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