Congressman Al Green: Working for the People of the Ninth District of Texas
 September 27, 2007

Washington, DC – On Tuesday, September 25, 2007, the House committee on Homeland Security considered H.R. 2830, which would authorize appropriations for the Coast Guard for fiscal year 2008.  Congressman Al Green (TX-09), a member of the Committee on Homeland Security, with the support of Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, was able to include important language in the bill which would better detect the vulnerability of America’s ports to gasoline and cargo shipments.   The language submitted by Congressman Al Green  states, “Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit to Congress a report analyzing the threat, vulnerability, and consequence of a terrorist attack on gasoline and chemical cargo shipments in port activity areas in the United States.”

“Each year, American ports handle numerous shipments of products such as heating oil, jet fuel, kerosene, and gasoline. As a Houstonian, I understand that worldwide shipping networks are necessary for maintaining the international supply chain.  Yet the large volume and natural toxicity or flammability of these types of shipments may make them attractive targets for terrorists,” stated Congressman Al Green. “We must be vigilant in ensuring that these shipments are protected from those who seek to do us harm by analyzing the threat, vulnerability, and possible consequences of a terrorist attack on gasoline and chemical cargo shipments in U.S. ports.”
“Six years after our nation suffered the tragic loss of nearly 3000 Americans in the attacks of 9-11, we must remain committed to honoring their memory by ensuring the safety and security of the American people,” continued Congressman Green.  “Securing our nation’s ports is an important aspect of our nation’s self- defense. By improving and enhancing the security of chemical cargo shipments we are better able to defend our homeland and ensure that American ports- such as the Port of Houston- will be better protected against the threat of a terrorist attack at home.”

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