The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Office of Information Technology

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


2004 - 2008

[Note:  The IT Strategic Plan will be updated in FY 2007 to ensure consistency and linkages to the new EEOC Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2007 - 2012 ]








Strategic Objective I - Enterprise Architecture

Strategic Objective II - Data Management

Strategic Objective III - Paperless Office

Strategic Objective IV - Information Access

Strategic Objective V - Customer Service

Strategic Objective VI - Risk Management

IT Strategic Objectives Mapped to EEOC Strategic Plan

Major IT Initiatives Mapped to IT Strategic Objectives

Five-Year IT Strategic Plan by Initiative


Information Technology (IT) is a critical component of the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) strategy for achieving its objectives in all areas of its work, including its mission programs and support operations.  To meet business goals and objectives, EEOC must effectively use IT to increase staff efficiency, improve program effectiveness, and enhance services to its customers.

The Information Technology Strategic Plan describes EEOC’s strategic visions, objectives and measures for long-term IT investments and management of technology resources.  It ensures that technology goals are consistent with EEOC’s Strategic Plan, and support mission and business needs.  It additionally translates the strategic goals and visions into specific IT initiatives and activities and defines plans for focusing EEOC’s resources toward implementation of these objectives.


EEOC Vision
A Strong and Prosperous Nation
Secured Through a
Fair and Inclusive Workplace

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was established by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and began operating on July 2, 1965.  The EEOC enforces the following federal statutes:

Additionally, under Executive Order 12067, the EEOC coordinates all federal equal employment opportunity regulations, practices, and policies.  The Commission also interprets employment discrimination laws, monitors the federal sector equal employment opportunity program, provides funding and support to state and local Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) and Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs), and sponsors outreach and technical assistance programs.

EEOC Mission
We Promote Equality of Opportunity
in the Workplace
and Enforce Federal Laws
Prohibiting Employment Discrimination


The EEOC Strategic Plan identifies three Strategic Objectives: Justice and Opportunity, Inclusive Workplace and Organizational Excellence.

EEOC Strategic Objectives

Justice and Opportunity

Serve the public interest by obtaining justice for
individuals who experience employment
discrimination and by removing discriminatory
barriers to create a level playing field

Inclusive Workplace

Strengthening America’s workplace by preventing
discrimination and promoting workplace policies
and practices that foster an inclusive work culture.

Organizational Excellence

Establish an organizational infrastructure that will
set and implement the highest quality standards
for equal opportunity, customer service,
internal efficiency and fiscal responsibility.

The first strategic objective, Justice and Opportunity, is designed to position the agency to continue to have a meaningful impact on discrimination in today’s workplace and the workplace of the future.  Inclusive Workplace is designed to fashion more proactive approaches to preventing discrimination from occurring in the first place.  The last objective, Organizational Excellence, recognizes that the standards we promote to other employers should be readily apparent in our own operations.


EEOC’s Five-Point Plan provides the framework for accomplishing our agency’s mission and is central to our three overarching Strategic Objectives.  It builds upon what the agency has done to improve its operations and seeks to broaden the agency’s reach by increasing proactive measures to prevent discrimination; resolving claims of discrimination more proficiently; expanding alternative dispute resolution; developing a more strategic focus in our enforcement, litigation and federal programs; and enhancing the agency’s internal operations. Within the overall framework of the Strategic Objectives, the Five-Point Plan serves as a guide for staff to explore ways to make the best use of EEOC data, information and experiences.

EEOC Five-Point Plan

Proactive Prevention - provide information and solutions that identify and solve problems before they escalate into intractable conflict.

Proficient Resolution - achieve quality services that are fair and cost effective.

Strategic Enforcement and Litigation - strategically focus tools and resources to make the greatest impact possible.

Promote and Expand Mediation/ADR - promote mediation and other types of alternative dispute resolution.

Model Workplace - follow the President’s Management Agenda as a roadmap to enhance internal operations and our interface with the public.


The EEOC Office of Information Technology (OIT) is responsible for the development and implementation of the agency’s IT Strategic Plan.  OIT develops, promotes, and enforces agency policies and procedures concerning all aspects of the planning, design, implementation, and utilization of information systems, office automation, and related IT resources and services to meet the needs of EEOC.

OIT Mission
To further the agency’s mission
and business goals through the
application of information technology
as a business enabler

The IT Strategic Plan aims to achieve the above mission statement and to support the objectives of the EEOC Strategic Plan.  It defines IT strategic objectives, means and strategies, and performance measures which are consistent with EEOC’s Strategic Plan and business needs, and guide the direction of our IT planning.


The implementation of enabling technologies is critical for making our employees as productive as possible, especially as the agency repositions itself over the next five years.  EEOC must use information technology (IT) to conduct business differently as we move toward greater interaction with our customers and transformation of our business processes to improve efficiency.  The six IT strategic objectives that follow are focused on using technology to effectively support EEOC’s mission and business needs, including support of the agency’s Strategic Plan, Five-Point Plan and the President’s Management Agenda.

Strategic Objective I - Enterprise Architecture
Establish and maintain a cohesive, enterprise-wide
IT architecture that will support EEOC’s strategic objectives
and achieve an efficient utilization of resources.

This objective supports the vision of developing, implementing, operating, and governing an enterprise-wide information infrastructure which provides transparent and seamless interoperability and end-to-end connectivity to all staff.  It requires compliance with federal enterprise architecture (EA) standards thereby providing the agency with a business-focused framework which aligns IT investments with business objectives, reduces redundancy, improves system compatibility and interoperability, and guides decisions related to IT system investments.  It additionally enforces configuration management to ensure that changes to IT systems and requirements are recorded, controlled, and in adherence with EA standards and agency strategic plans.

Related Means and Strategies

Related Measures

Strategic Objective II - Data Management
Promote the management of EEOC data
as a valuable corporate asset.

EEOC recognizes the need to treat information as a corporate asset by ensuring that it is properly managed, secured, and available to all staff who need it to perform their jobs.  This goal eliminates redundant data entry, provides employees with appropriate access to EEOC data, and requires that all future information systems support enterprise requirements for information.  This includes developing integrated information systems to support the management of corporate information and providing employees with nationwide enforcement and litigation data to ensure the efficient processing of federal and private-sector allegations of employment discrimination.  It additionally includes integrating our administrative (financial/human resources) data with our mission (enforcement/litigation/outreach) data for effective knowledge management.

Means and Strategies

Related Measures

Strategic Objective III - Paperless Office
Create a paperless office environment that promotes
electronic access and sharing of information,
streamlines work processes, reduces paperwork burden
and provides for electronic data storage and recovery.

This vision includes the introduction of document, record and workflow management to assist employees in electronically accessing, processing, sharing, and storing information.  The concept of a paperless government involves the conversion of our documents related to investigation and litigation activities (statements, testimony, responses to requests for information, affidavits, etc.) and EEOC-related documents (decision documents, policy statements, press releases, manuals, guidance, etc.) into organized electronic formats for shared, desktop access.  It also provides automated workflow processes to support the assignment, review and approval processes. The end result will be reduced employee involvement in paper processing, quicker dissemination, and faster turn-around with a net benefit of increased productivity, accountability and cost savings.

Means and Strategies

Related Measures

Strategic Objective IV - Information Access
Expand access to information and improve EEOC services
by providing our customers and partners
with the means to submit or access information on-line.

The EEOC is committed to fulfilling the President’s Management Agenda vision of improved service and government efficiency by transforming to electronic government (e-gov).  This vision improves service to the general public by providing electronic delivery of equal employment opportunity services.  It aims to provide electronic alternatives to obtain service and interact with the agency, improve efficiency and effectiveness, and enhance the agency’s responsiveness to customer needs.  EEOC will actively disseminate and provide access to its information to educate and serve its partners and the public.

Means and Strategies

Related Measures

Strategic Objective V - Customer Service
Provide efficient customer services through timely
and expert computer support, and enhance the computer
knowledge/skills of EEOC staff through quality training.

The vision associated with this objective provides greater opportunities to extend electronic communication with our customers and offer training and support to EEOC employees.  This includes the use of video streaming, e-learning or distance learning, interactive computer-based training (CBT), and remote web-based training to develop a comprehensive training program which accommodates diverse training needs and learning styles.  It additionally includes utilizing technology and the computer network to enhance customer support, increase efficiency and reduce travel cost.

Means and Strategies:

Related Measures

Strategic Objective VI - Risk Management
Maximize the value and manage the risk
associated with information technology investments.

The strategic requirement for quality information, combined with limited availability of funds, increases the importance of making the right IT investment decisions.  In addition, as EEOC centralizes and consolidates our information systems and provides remote access to services, the need for effective information security and continuity of operations planning increases exponentially. Through effective management of our IT investments along with the incorporation of sound IT security policies, EEOC will maximize mission effectiveness, reduce risk, improve agency productivity, and ensure system reliability.

Related Means and Strategies

Related Measures

IT Strategic Objectives Mapped to EEOC Strategic Plan

IT Strategic Objectives EEOC Strategic Objectives & Five-Point Plan
Justice & Opportunity Inclusive Workplace Organizational Excellence
Promote & Expand ADR Strategic Enforcement & Litigation Proactive Prevention EEOC as a Model Workplace
Enterprise Architecture S S Y S Y
Data Management Y Y Y Y Y
Paperless Office Y S Y S Y
Information Access Y Y S Y Y
Customer Service Y Y S Y Y
Risk Management S S S S Y

Key: Y = Directly Supports Objective
S = Indirectly Supports Objective

Major IT Initiatives Mapped to IT Strategic Objectives

IT Initiatives IT Strategic Objectives
Enterprise Arch. Data Mgmt Paperless Office Information Access Customer Service Risk Mgmt
Integrated Mission System S Y Y S S
Litigation Case Mgmt S Y Y S S
Web-Based EEO-1 S Y Y Y S S
EEOC Assessment System S Y Y Y Y S
Registration & Sales S Y Y Y Y S
Document Management S Y Y Y S Y
Data Mart/Warehouse S Y Y S Y
Disaster Recovery S S S S S Y
Communication Infrastruct. Y S S S S S
Videoconferencing S S Y S Y S
Desktop Computing Y S S S S S
Support Systems S S S S Y S

Key: Y = Directly Supports Objectives
S = Indirectly Supports Objective

Five-Year IT Strategic Plan by Initiative

key to above chart, indicating a projectProject
key to above chart, indicating recurring maintenance periodMaintenance

This page was last modified on October 18, 2006.

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