Greg Storey’s Favorites

hotdogsladies New Pew Report claims 82% of pro blogging articles should be retitled: "Act Like a Dick While You Spoil Cool Things for Hardly Any Money."
drinkerthinker "Government, c'mon over for a cup of Folgers and a bear claw and let's talk this out."
Tim Siedell
badbanana Everything about this administration starts to make sense once you realize Bush spends most of his time thinking Arby's.
Ryan Irelan
ryanirelan I hope you enjoy your new Kia...I mean...Android phone.
Remiel I wrote an iPhone app for people who don't have iPhones. It's also for giraffes. It's $30.
Dan Cederholm
simplebits Lieberman is Palpatine.
Greg Storey
Brilliantcrank From now on, when any client mentions "below the fold" I'm going to reply, "you mean, the white man's fold."
Dean Cameron Allen
textism @gruber everything through gmail, sure. However, all my world conquest mayhem strategies are safe because in gmail I'm Greg Storey.
Russ Casenhiser
rcasenhiser Joining the cartoon avatar craze, and wondering why...?!?!
drinkerthinker @ryanirelan I'm caving to the peer pressure. Tweet, tweet, give.
Russ Casenhiser
rcasenhiser Listening to introductions. "Hi I'm Fern, I organize the industrial goth parent meetup, and assistant organizer for the main street pirates"
Jason Kottke
jkottke @gruber: Digg sents lots of traffic but IMO it's mostly useless. They usually read only one page, send stupid emails, and never visit again.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Dunstan Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Josh Bryant Dave Kellam Joost Schuur Matt Jacobs Lisa McMillan Dan Benjamin Keith Jeremy Keith Heilemann Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Richard Rutter BigA Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Derek Featherstone Josh Williams Beep. luxuryluke Snook Garrett Dimon Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Mark Bixby Warren, Mr. Warren Steve Smith Brian Fling Andy Baio Jesse Newland Ryan Irelan
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