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Sad that I didn't get selected for Round 6 of the Amazon Customers Vote (I wanted that KitchenAid mixer for $69):
Looking forward to snowboard season this year and still need to figure out what to do for Web Directions North:
Amazed at the number of people who've commented about GameFly and might go for the trial membership...
@anton: Goldeneye was and is the best Bond game to date, as EA and Activision have butchered that franchise after Rare did things right...
Checked out GameFly after all the suggestions, though I'm not sure I want to pay $16 a month for renting 1 game at a time...
Thinking it might be awesome if Netflix had a video game library so I don't drop $60 on a game only to find out it sucks (Quantum of Solace)
@jmspool: Interesting, though I don't understand why a news article leaves out a link to the 23andMe website:
@danrubin: Looking forward to having you here in Boston for food, drinks, and something new for @milothedog to chew on
Came home to find 2 puddles and @milothedog wandering around the house (the side zipper of his crate was slightly unzipped)
Working on recommendations for our group over the next year or two and finding a lot of things we could do better
Big surprise: the "Send request" button on a protected update Twitter account doesn't actually work ("That page doesn't exist!")
Making bruschetta stuffed chicken and hoping it tastes as good as it smells (though I'm not convinced it will)
Someone could make a lot of money if they'd only figure out how to bottle New Car Smellâ„¢, and while they're at it, New Puppy Smellâ„¢...
@cowpiesurprise: Damn, just realized you're moving here to Boston to work for Harmonix (rock on, and congrats!)
Would like to say I'm surprised that Pownce is shutting down, but I'm not (even though it's nicer than Twitter):
Added the new @campaignmonitor website to my Web Design Inspiration set on Flickr using @littlesnapper:
Thinking of getting @milothedog a SNIF Tag and wondering if anyone else has experience with this monitoring device:
Checking out the jQuery sIFR Plugin, linked to by @cssbeauty:
After sleeping in 4 different houses in the last 5 days and driving 9 hours back to Boston in crappy weather, it's nice to be home again...
Finally got past a 3 car collision (they're now 1 long totalled vehicle) only to find ourselves in a winter weather advisory storm


Scott Fegette Kevin Lawver Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Jeff Clark Larry Maxine Sherrin Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Kyle Bradshaw Aaron Gustafson Wilson Miner Derek Featherstone Josh Williams Beep. luxuryluke Snook Garrett Dimon Jackson Wilkinson Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Mark Bixby Steve Smith Brian Fling Jason Garber Frances Ryan Irelan Geert Leyseele Ryan Carson Jeremy Carbaugh
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