Congressman Al Green: Working for the People of the Ninth District of Texas
 May 7, 2007
 Representatives from Over 60 Labor Organizations Received a Legislative Update from Congressman Al Green on Important Measures Passed in the 110th Congress

Houston, TX - Congressman Al Green (TX-09), last Friday, addressed over 60 representatives at his annual Labor Leaders’ Breakfast.  Union leaders, representing unions from across Harris County, received a legislative update from their Congressman on important measures passed in the 110th Congress.  Congressman Green's statements are below.

"Friends, it is always an honor to stand before America's working men and women.  I am honored to be here with you all today, because I understand that the right to unionize is the right to pursue the American dream. It is as a result of unions that we can enjoy weekends with our families, benefit from basic health and safety protections, and can take advantage of family and medical leave. That is why I have worked hard in Congress to fight for you."

"Today, we have 37 million Americans living in poverty.   A full-time job should be a bridge out of poverty, an opportunity to make a living through work. Unfortunately, for minimum wage earners, especially those with families, it is not.  In the next few weeks, I will be reintroducing The Living American Wage (LAW) Act. This bill would link the minimum wage to the federal poverty threshold for a family of two, increasing the minimum wage automatically every four years to ensure that inflation does not erode its purchasing power. I was also proud to be an original cosponsor and vote for the Fair Minimum Wage Act (H.R. 2) earlier this year, which will increase the minimum wage by $2.10 – from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour over two years.  Passage in the House of Representatives of the Fair Minimum Wage Act was an important first step to helping 1.7 million Texans and millions of other hard working Americans earn a decent day’s wages for a decent day’s work. I assure you that I will continue to work hard to fight for a living American wage."

"I also was proud to be an original cosponsor and vote for the Employee Free Choice Act. The law says that employers cannot intimidate, coerce, or fire employees for attempting to exercise their democratic rights. The Employee Free Choice Act is necessary because under the current labor law system, employers too often use a combination of legal and illegal methods to silence employees who try to form unions.  We must give workers a fair opportunity to enjoy the benefits of unionization.  It is astonishing that some would try to prevent some of the hardest working Americans the right to organize at a time when the average CEO in the United States makes more than 260 times the pay of the average worker."

"Just this week, I was fortunate enough to pass two amendments in the Financial Services Committee.  My first amendment would authorize a pilot program in the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) that would establish an automated process using alternative credit information for borrowers with limited credit histories.  When potential homebuyers with limited credit participate in the standard mortgage underwriting process, they are often faced with denials or higher cost options that may not reflect their creditworthiness.  This amendment would ensure that borrowers with limited credit meaningfully participate in the mortgage lending process,  receive loans that accurately reflect their creditworthiness, and would help to open the door to homeownership for many worthy American families."

"We are living at a time when as many as 2.2 million Americans with subprime loans could eventually lose their homes.  We are living at a time when predatory lending costs homeowners an estimated $9.1 billion each year.  We are living at a time when the overall cost of all the mortgage foreclosures to homeowners could be as high as $164 billion.  My second amendment would impose on mortgage brokers and correspondent lenders duties that would let consumers know that they are not on their own.  My amendment would impose on mortgage brokers and correspondent lenders the duty to safeguard and account for any handled money for the borrower, follow reasonable and lawful instructions from the borrower, and act with reasonable skill, care and diligence.  This amendment also states that any broker found by the Secretary to have violated the requirements in this amendment, would no longer be allowed to originate any FHA-insured mortgage loans.  At a time of rising defaults, it is critical to both FHA and its customers that adequate supervisory processes remain in place.  This is not a time when we should be lessening regulation on the least regulated part of the mortgage industry."

"As a member of the House Financial Services Committee's subcommittee on Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity, I am proud to able to work on legislation to help American families achieve the American dream of homeownership. During the 110th Congress I also have the privilege of serving on a second Financial Services subcommittee, the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit.  I came to Congress with the hope of helping and protecting Americans who work hard to achieve all that is possible in this great nation.  In this respect I am also honored to serve on the House Committee on Homeland Security which is charged with working to better secure our nation from threats and to take steps to ensure the safety of all Americans.  My subcommittee assignments on the Homeland Security Committee include the Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism and the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity, Science and Technology.  I was also selected by the Texas Democratic Delegation and appointed by House Majority Whip James Clyburn to serve as Regional Whip for Region 6 to be primarily responsible for getting an accurate read on a Members’ positions on issues and votes important to the Democratic leadership."

"Despite the successes I may have had in my two plus years serving for you in Congress, I don’t want you to think that I am finished.  Though we have made taken some important steps, there is still much work to be done.  I will continue to work hard for you and your families so that we can all live safely and enjoy every opportunity to achieve the American dream."



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