Congressman Al Green: Working for the People of the Ninth District of Texas
 February 8, 2005
 Representative Al Green Testifies on Behalf of Fair and Affordable Housing for Our Servicemembers

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Al Green testified before the Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity regarding HR 3186, the Build Houses for Our Military’s Enlisted Servicemembers (Build HOMES) Act.  The legislation would  provide increased access to quality affordable housing for our men and women in uniform and end what Green calls “added income discrimination.”

“The men and women serving in our nation’s armed forces take many risks and make many sacrifices in the protection of liberty both here and abroad.  Just as they have made a commitment to us, we should make a commitment to them, ensuring that their families have a place to call home,” commented Green.

Today, many military bases across the country are experiencing severe housing shortages. Currently, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) considers the military basic allowance for housing (BAH) as income in determining if a person qualifies for low-income housing.  However, HUD does not consider civilian Section 8 housing vouchers as income for the same purpose. 

“Soldiers should not suffer because of their added income.  This is a form of discrimination. The discrepancy in these regulations penalizes our military families and makes access to affordable housing that much more difficult.  This is an issue of fairness,” said Green.

If enacted, the Build HOMES Act would allow more military personnel to qualify for low-income housing assistance by directing HUD not to consider BAH as income when determining a servicemember’s eligibility for low-income housing. Due to the Base Realignment and Closure Process (BRAC), servicemembers are moving to new bases; thus, increasing and shifting affordable housing needs quickly for our military bases.  Texas alone will become home to 9,700 new military personnel as a result of BRAC. 

“This bill would fairly amend our low-income housing program to allow more servicemembers access to affordable, low-income housing – the same way civilian persons qualify. This would end the “added income discrimination” our military personnel currently experience,” said Green.

“Today, there are 1.5 million servicemen and women protecting our country.  I firmly believe that this bill can help improve the quality of life for thousands of servicemen and women by giving them and their families access to the affordable housing they have earned,” added Green.

The bill currently has nineteen co-sponsors and has been referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.


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