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If there is a limit to how many frozen blueberries one can eat, my two year old is going to find it
Made lemon meringue pie for Thanksgiving. Not as easy as apple or strawberry, but when you hit it's amazing
There is no correlation between looking normal and being normal
Narrowly escaped a soccer Mom in Land Rover trying to park & talk on the phone at the same time. Please people, one thing at a time...
@soldierant has a great interview with Halo 3 *interaction designer* Colm Nelson:
"A rich data set is being captured that is unlike anything else coming out of healthcare" patientslikeme in Globe
@zeldman would you like to supersize your Adobe order with Bridge, Extension Manager, Media Encoder, & Device Central?
ah, yes, "slow blogging" was only a matter of time. I think I may have been doing it for years.
@jowyang has a nice list going of sites that have suffered publicly via social media:
phew...thank Gods stores open at 4am on Black Friday. I was wondering what I was going to do with that block of time...
@dlifson points to a 2005 analysis of Facebook's social graph he was part of (and found it shocking)
cool resource: Designing Social Interfaces wiki by @emalone & @mediajunkie http://designingsocialinter...
RT @mattsaunders - argument against writing for HuffPo
digging the new feedback tab and resulting form on getsatisfaction:
@jlbruno I'll cross that bridge when I get there. :)
really hoping that today is the first day of the rest of my life.
@brunsvold thanks for the color calibration recommendation: Pantone Huey
@jmspool Yep, so many displays just in the Apple kingdom. matte, gloss, notebook, cinema...all show colors differently.
is there a good resource on how to calibrate a MBP & cinema display? Or should I keep them different so that it reminds me?


Evan Williams kellan Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Chris Baum Noah danah boyd Matt Jones Ross tedr Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Micah Alpern Tim Kersey Jared Hanson Gene Oren Michels Thomas Vander Wal Jason Calacanis lane Brian Del Vecchio Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Sooz Fred Oliveira Thor Muller Steve Ganz Jyri Engeström Jackson Fox Stowe Boyd Beth Kanter Eric Olson
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