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Ruter og NSB: Norges to mest talentløse selskaper? Sannsynligvis
Hmm, seems twitter4r can be persuaded
"Your fears are groundless and your complaints moronic" :)
...but, who am I to complain? I could just fix it myself I guess
@zmalltalker twitter4r: no "in reply to" data in status objects, twitter gem trips on active_support, trying to load older version.
Hmm, available Ruby Twitter implementations are not impressing me
@lug00ber Yay, da har jeg tydeligvis gjort jobben min :)
hoster og harker og håper jeg kommer meg på beina til julebord
@leethal The first one's great!
@jennysjogren I don't enjoy Zimbra all that much either, but that sure is one bold statement!
@lug00ber kødder du eller? :) "phew" for versjonskontroll!
OUCH! `rm -fr * tmpdir` Where'd the hell did that star come from? :(
@jennysjogren If you voluntarily use Outlook you're bringing it on yourself :)
Wee. torsdag! Grøt!
@carl_christian No, just ordinary stupid-email-client frustration :D
@jennysjogren yeah, that's right, "love". But the are just hosting though.
Oh, and by the way Zimbra: take a look at Gmail. It IS possible to upload an attachment without completely freezing the whole application
Wow, Zimbra, great job at not giving me any kind of feedback as to how my attachment uploading is coming along


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