Congressman Kevin Brady, Representing Texas' 8th Congressional District
  For Immediate Release  
August 8, 2008


Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) Delivers the House GOP Weekly Radio Address

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congressman Brady delivered the House GOP Weekly Radio Address outlining his thoughts on the actions of Congress this week:

"Did you ever imagine gas prices staying this high?

"And in a democracy like ours did you ever imagine that just one person – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – could block progress on finding new sources of energy for all Americans?

"Madame Speaker, the American people are asking you for a vote. 
"I’m Congressman Kevin Brady and here at home in Texas – like the rest of America – our families are suffering, caught in a vise between high gas prices and high food prices, watching their paycheck disappear before their very eyes. 

"But while middle-class Americans are canceling their vacation plans, the Speaker of the House sent Congress on a leisurely five-week vacation rather than allow a vote on finding new sources of energy here in America. I and many others are calling on her to end this vacation, call Congress back into session and give the American people a vote on exploring more in America’s own deep ocean waters and arctic reserve. Isn’t it time America takes more responsibility for our energy needs so we are not left dangling on the hook of Middle East oil? 

"Our Republican energy plan, called the American Energy Act, is straight-forward: use less energy, find more sources here in America.
"Let’s be clear: Congress has taken votes on conservation, which is good because we can all be more efficient. We’ve had votes on renewable energy, which is a big part of America’s future but may take years, if not decades, to really help.

"So why can’t we have a vote on exploring more in our deep ocean waters and Arctic Reserve?   

"The American public supports it. The House of Representatives supports it. Speaker Pelosi, aren’t you listening?
"Last week, while sitting on a plane ready to leave for home I learned that Republican members of the House – and the public – were gathered on the House floor after the Democratic Speaker had turned off the lights, turned off the cameras and the microphones – hoping to silence the voices of energy reason.

"I knew I had to add my voice to those urging the Speaker to not let Congress go on vacation, so I grabbed my bags and coat, made some excuse to the flight attendant and headed back to the Capitol.

"What I saw in that darkened chamber was the light of old-fashioned democracy. Families, senior citizens and veterans flooded onto the floor of the People’s House and filled the gallery, cheering, chanting and pleading with Speaker Pelosi to come back to work. She had turned off the microphones, but their voices were still loud and clear. All they were asking, and still ask today, is a simple vote. Just one, to allow more exploration here in America.

"It was the closest thing to pure democracy I’ve experienced.

"Madame Speaker, America is a democracy, of the people. Tell the radical groups and special interests to stand aside. End your vacation, call Congress back to session and give the American people a vote.

"I’m Congressman Kevin Brady. I’ll vote to find more sources of American energy, here in America. And on Monday, I’ll be back in that darkened House chamber insisting we do.

"Thank you for listening."


NOTE. This is Congressman Brady’s sixth term representing the 8th District of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. Learn more about Congressman Brady by visiting his website. Visit to learn more about the American Energy Act.


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