Congressman Kevin Brady, Representing Texas' 8th Congressional District
  For Immediate Release  
August 1, 2008


Texas faces 1/3 Cut in Federal Funds; Americans Driving Less

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Congressman Brady (R-Texas) recently shored up funding for Texas highways by voting to transfer $8 billion from the general fund of the U.S. Treasury to the federal highway trust fund.

Texas highway officials report that without the emergency infusion of cash the state next year will be facing a 34 per cent cut in federal high funding totaling $859 million.

“Our region continues to grow, and without adequate highway funds our roads will only get more congested and less safe,” said Brady. “Clearly the federal government and our Texas government need to find long-term solutions to fund our critical highway and bridge infrastructure.”

Americans drove 40 billion fewer miles in the past six months and continue to buy more fuel efficient vehicles, driving down revenue in the federal highway trust fund – the main source for road, bridge and transit funding in the nation.  The trust fund faces a $1.4 billion shortfall next year and larger shortfalls in the future.

Brady also supported another measure to add $1 billion to upgrade structurally deficient bridges. Both measures now go to Senate for consideration.



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