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@jgarber: ratsum froggle narko splender fratz!
@bkocik: they can always say no to the money. But Congress can hardly do any worse at running the auto business than the auto execs have.
@jgarber: I don't know about Hillary's seat. But for a price, I can get you Obama's.
@bkocik: don't tempt @unhuman. I'm sure he'd be glad to let you win his open headwound sweepstakes.
But at least I look good.
If I told you where I am right now, I'd have to shoot you. Which gives you a hint.
What's the best book on Flash? Best dev tools? Any suggestions?
Reflecting on the sad demise of AOL community. Blogging about it too. Ficlets, we hardly knew ye.
@cokieffe: I'm always wishing you well, even when it isn't your birthday. Even when I don't manage to mention it.
@kplawver: you learn to get used to it. It's good experience for when your kids are teenagers.
@kplawver: beware, the next step after not knowing everything is not knowing anything.
@bkocik: Guns don't kill people. Sex kills people. - See @bkocik: I told you guns weren't safe!
(No offense intended for @bkocik or @kernwill.)
Anyone know of a good first-name thesaurus? I.e., something that says that Will, William, Bill, Willy, etc, are all the same.
It turns out that conscientiousness is not necessarily a desirable virtue in a dental hygenist.
Not a fun day at all.
@arun: strange, because Olive was quite the champion at reindeer games.
@mringlein: the book was great too. The movie actually toned Wilson down some - the guy was something else.
@bkocik, @unhuman: depends on the month too. I didn't get my money's worth from Netflix the month of the AIM Pages crunch.


Kevin Lawver Arun Ranganathan Stephanie Doug March Jason Garber cindy li Martin Ringlein Alan K Kelly Gifford Steve Chipman Chris Will Kern Dossy Shiobara Carlos OKieffe Kerry william morris Shawn Carnell Sarah Ivey Rock Kedar Bhave Jud Bill Kocik Howie Steve Greenberg Alex Giron Tony Jeff Hayward Mixx virtualhiker Mike DelNegro David Habib Nathaniel cGt2099 KoriHill Dave Hall David Wiles Kotch iworedettos