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@rgonia sob. No, I said "sob," not "SOB." Really.
is building Erlang on Leopard
will be happy if he doesn't sees another salmon-colored envelope for the rest of the year.
actually, everything about @unhuman "starts out 'oh I can handle this' and works its way up to 'Oh crap what did I do?'"
very disappointed that @unhuman's chicken of death didn't have a hockey mask and chainsaw
careful @bkocik, cutting back on bovine growth hormone will stunt your growth
was supposed to start a month of leave today, but heading in for end-of-year administrative work and hopefully some face time.
@unhuman just as bad are the folks who tailgate through residential areas because they think there should be a passing lane in a 35 mph zone
Good luck with that, @primerano. I did a 4 to 2 shift most of last year, but _always_ got pulled into 2, 3, and 4 pm meetings & fire drills.
is watching Word Girl with the boys. Word up!
recants his earlier tweet. Far too passionate, frank, and useful to unleash on the world.
is singing happy birthday for Max's 4 week.
So... I suppose I should return the diaper pail I bought Dana for the holidays. :(
is doing excruciating '08 reviews. Trying not to get horribly bitter.
fixed the oven and was rewarded with meatloaf. It is much better cooked.
went to bed around midnight and has been up since 4. Hoping for a low-key day.
is taking his wife dancing through the Air and Space museum in protest of this family-unfriendly event.
says "the last rule of LISTSERV club is to do the exact same thing, but add an 'un' to it." Not hard people!
says "The first rule of LISTSERV club is learning how to subscribe." Give me a break people!


Kevin Lawver Jason Garber Mickipedia bob Alan K Jeremy Kelly Gifford Steve Chipman jenna Chris Will Kern Julie Bethke valli Jayna Wallace Dossy Shiobara Kimberly Blessing Mason Carlos OKieffe Darth Vader The Emperor @-_-@ Princess Leia Chewbacca Han Solo Darth Sidious r2d2 Porter Glendinning C3PO Tom David McCormick Frank Keeney Vee Susatijo Cali Lewis Admiral Ackbar junaid razzak Benjamin Bennett Shawn Carnell
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