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@stoweboyd It all sounds pretty good. Particularly Iron Man. We just enjoyed a lovely mustard salmon and some football, ourselves. Enjoy!
@ceonyc No doubt. I thought the defense could have done a better job, too. In other words, plenty of blame to go around. Still, we clinched.
@ceonyc Lots of dropped balls, though, too. How much was lack of open guys and how much was bad execution?
@fredwilson Think the Jets might be reading their own clippings or something? Or is the offense starting to disintegrate?
I love the Mets and Cubs, hate the Braves and never saw a better pitcher than Greg Maddux: h He was the best ever.
Good morning, fellow Twitizens. Nice to see you all here this morning.
Sound like plagiarism to you? If he can prove Coldplay heard his song, Satch has a case:
@ClintonSkakun It may have just been a lack of energy. A little lunch and I'm locked in.
I don't know what I find cooler: my 77-year-old father reading my blog (and offers corrections) or that he follows my Twitter feed. Rock on.
Working on something easy, can't get my head around it. Gotta find a groove. Maybe some music? Or will it send me completely off the rails?
And now, this is my 3,001st Tweet. Just like that, the bloom is off the rose. Bummer.
Good morning, fellow Twitizens. It so happens this is my 3,000th update. I feel like some sort of celebration is in order. Woo-hoo. #Tweet3k
New blog post: 3 reasons why A/B testing is always the right answer (Guide to Small Business E-Commerce Strategy)
New blog post: The 7 keys to successful web metrics (Guide to Small Business Ecommerce Strategy)
@jowyang Jeremiah, I'm planning to get a Bold to replace my Pearl. BBmakes great devices and the Bold - while not revolutionary - delivers.
It is far too late to have this much work staring me in the face. Can you say, "The dog ate my homework?"Nah. Me neither.
Ugh. Train is frickin' jammed tonight. This ought to be a fun ride.
Oof, fellow Twitizens. Miles to go before I sleep. I've really got to make that journey out to Jersey here quickly. Catch you all later.
@judis217 Thanks. In my head I'm making that "hmmm" sound Marge Simpson makes when she doesn't like her data either.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Xeni Jardin Mack D. Male Nitin Borwankar om Ken Chris MacDonald peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Laurence Anderson PhoneBoy Scott Beale Mike Johan Denoyer David Crow BJ Cook Josh Bancroft (jeff)isageek Dustin Jacobsen Lynn Wallenstein Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Chaitanya Sagar David Parmet Justine Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan kristen crusius Graham English Bill Palmer
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