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So I turned on my laptop and the screen wouldnt work... and when it finally did work, the clock said 2005. Wtf happened.
Why so serious?
Going to go eat Pink Pepper with the gf. Mmmm.
@paularmstrong all his grunts were enhanced. In batman begins it wasn't, way better.
Having fun coding this new client, it's refreshing. Gotten a lot done this week.
Finally got the CakePHP Auth system working. The problem was Cakes password salt... I was using an old db that didnt use a salt :p
Ok now im confused again with Symfony, well technically its Propel. Symfonys model system is extreme.
I also have a 30 day notice until I have to move back home, fun times!
I just realized I havent tweeted today. Oh well, I woke up late and spent the last 3 hours working on a client. Its coming together nicely.
@snookca You familiar with the Auth Component? How exactly do you login with it?
Im confused on CakePHPs model $validate system. It isnt working / How do I get the errors?
@rodrigorm You know much about the Auth Component?
Trying to understand the CakePHP Auth component.
New blog post:
My nose is stuffy. Damn I got sick too.
Err, why the fuck can I not get foreign keys working.
@shibbydacury So sad. Especially for his kids.
Im starting to understand Symfony a bit more. Im also learning a lot more on CakePHP.
@mkeefe Oh really? How good are ya.


Dan Cederholm Snook vrogy Jeffrey Zeldman Spooky Nick Paul Armstrong Matthew Keefe Matthew Gallagher Jamie Huskisson allan branch starfeeder Alexander Radsby Kilian Valkhof Arjan Eising coveloper Shaun Inman Mint shibbydacury Andre Magnus Forsberg Eric Sopp NETTUTS robotplague urbandaily A Bad Client Andrew Christensen