Ryan Irelan’s Favorites

Daniel Jalkut
danielpunkass Trash night has turned into an increasingly frequent weekly reminder that my life is passing before my eyes.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Last night I cleaned feces out of a bathtub and woke drowning in my own phlegm. Now what was it you wanted to discuss about these web pages?
Kevin Cornell
bearskinrug I like living in an older house. All this lead paint ensures that Superman can't watch me masturbate.
Neven Mrgan
nevenmrgan I'm loving this late, lazy morning, but something's missing... Hmm.. Oh, I know! A naked dude nailed to a cross! Jeez, what was I thinking.
drinkerthinker why y'all gotta hate on New Jersey? Great things came from there, like @drinkerthinker and @ryanirelan.
Greg Hoy
greghoyboy Woke up to find the cat under the covers next to me. Had no idea she was there. She had no idea what a Dutch oven was. She does now.
Jenn Lukas
JennLukas Im not a fan of facebook events that I have to login to see. Signing in is for jerks.
Eric A. Meyer
meyerweb On approach to Japan, a flight attendant announced Obama's victory. There was a burst of applause from economy; in business class, silence.
rands If your gut instinct is "Schedule a meeting", you're part of the problem.
Wilson Miner
wilsonminer There's an initiative on the SF city ballot to rename a water treatment plant the "George W. Bush Sewage Plant". I love this city.
Bronwyn Jones
bronwynjones wondering why my brother only calls me to bitch about his iPhone. I can't help you, dude. Call me when you have an urgent punctuation issue.
hotdogsladies I'll bet most Krishnas accept that their visitors are way more into the free lunch than the chanting. Unlike some Open Source evangelists.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman The wife and I have a deal. She decides where we live and where our kid goes to school. I decide how long the US stays in Iraq.
John Gruber
gruber When I was a kid, the commies were a threat to blow up the entire world. Now they just make the world's worst $400 cell phones.
drinkerthinker @shauninman high point of NT2: running a traffic light to get photo when you have an isight-enabled laptop in the passenger seat.
Ryan Sims
simmy @jcroft: I'm sure "sucking less" is an argument that is absolutely foreign if not incomprehensible to you.
John Gruber
gruber Having an emergency + phone + you think “use Twitter!” = good sign that your “emergency” is just natural selection trying to knock you off....
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman "No problem" is the new "fuck you."
Jason Calacanis
JasonCalacanis Reading: "Official announcement regarding my retirement from blogging." (