Dan Rubin’s Favorites

Cameron Moll
cameronmoll For the record, I often find #4 most valuable. After all, all the research in the world won't tell you how to design it.
Cameron Moll
cameronmoll 1) Precedent (who's done it already and how?), 2) External data, 3) Internal data & knowledge, 4) Educated guesses
Cameron Moll
cameronmoll Just wrote on the whiteboard four resources I typically consider when embarking on a new project:
AlunR @boagworld how much do we have to pay to turn them off?
Meagan Fisher
meaganfisher OH: "Default filter usage should be outlawed."
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman You know who wireframed Verizon's DSL self-install wizard? Hitler.
bryony Browser:Do not try and find the fold.That’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.Designer:What truth?Browser:There is no fold....
Brian Fling
fling catching up on blog and twitter posts
Chris J. Davis
chrisjdavis @pdupree winter has arrived on northern Texas as well. Of course that means 45 degree weather here.
jarret23 @danrubin stick it in your pocket, best bet!
Patrick Haney
notasausage Inhaling pumpkin chocolate chip mini muffins from Wegmans sent to us by @jannygirl & @danrubin
jennamarino Just found at our door a lil bit of heaven, Halloween style. Thank u so much @jannygirl, @danrubin & @wegmans for pumpkin choc chip muffins
Hicksdesign lazyweb: what mac app do you use for storing screenshots/design ideas etc? I currently use iPhoto, but want to keep them separate
Dan Cederholm
simplebits There's a big difference between lazy and efficient. Sometimes the latter comes off looking like the former.
hotdogsladies When people threaten to stop reading my site if I don't update more, I remind them that new posts are invisible to passive-aggressive dicks.
Shaun Inman
shauninman OH: "This just might be the best thing that ever happened to my mouth."
Jina Bolton
sushimonster If you are a designer working in my PSD file, and you flatten my layers, I will cut you.
Daniel Burka
dburka Pownced – I'll leave this open-ended and keep my opinions to myself for now... who do you think..
James Craig
cookiecrook @danrubin When you start VoiceOver, press Ctrl+Opt+F7 for the main VO menu. Then Help > VoiceOver Quick Start. Takes ~15 min to learn.
Garrett Dimon
garrettdimon OH: "I'm a little princess." - @danrubin


Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Jeremy Hubert John Nunemaker Dan Cederholm Josh Bryant Molly E. Holzschlag Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith MJ Alex de Carvalho Tantek Çelik Heilemann Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Colin Devroe Norm! Aaron Gustafson Drew McLellan Arshad Tayyeb Wilson Miner Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Steve Marshall Josh Williams Beep. luxuryluke Snook Garrett Dimon Jackson Wilkinson Nathan Borror Veerle Pieters
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