Congressman Duncan Introduces Legislation To Establish Clean Water Trust Fund


For Immediate Release

December 16, 2005


Washington, D.C.  - Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN) introduced legislation to establish a trust fund to improve our Nation's wastewater treatment facilities.


"Clean water is our Country's most valuable resource, and we must do everything possible to protect it," said Congressman Duncan.


The Clean Water Trust Fund Act of 2005 establishes a Clean Water Trust Fund to provide an assured source of funding to help the nation meet its water infrastructure needs.  The bill provides funds to local communities to update their wastewater treatment facilities.  It also increases funding for improvements in infrastructure management, research, and the development of new technologies that will improve our ability to manage our water resources.


In addition, this legislation provides funding to address water quality issues in critical regional waters, and to improve and protect wetlands and fisheries uses.


Duncan said, "There is nothing as important and yet nothing as taken for granted as a safe, clean supply of water.  We have to do more to protect and enhance our clean water and wastewater systems for the future."


"We know our Nation's water infrastructure is getting very old.  In fact, it is common in older systems to find pipes that were laid as far back as the 1800s," said Duncan.


"As Chairman of the House Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee, I am aware of the problems faced by municipal wastewater treatment agencies.  I have held hearings on this issue, and I have heard over and over from our utilities that we need this legislation to protect our clean water supply," said Duncan.


"We must meet the challenge of finding more efficient and less expensive ways to address our wastewater treatment needs," said the Congressman. 


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