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Congressman Duncan Introduces Bill Commemorating National Motto


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                             

MAY 23, 2006


Washington, DC - Yesterday, Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN) introduced a resolution commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the adoption of the national motto of the United States, In God We Trust.


H. Con. Res. 411 would reaffirm the national motto, signed into law July, 30 1956 (P.L. 84-140).  This law formally adopted what had been considered the Nation's unofficial motto since it had appeared on U.S. currency dating back to the Civil War. 


"It is my hope that all Americans will commemorate this day with the patriotism and devotion to God and Country that have served as the foundation for our great Nation since its inception," said Duncan.


The initial adoption of In God We Trust as the Nation's motto by Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase captured what had been the assumed central belief of the American people from the first colonial settlement and continuing throughout our history.  In God We Trust first appeared on the two-cent coin in 1864.


"Even with a full legislative calendar, I am optimistic that we can bring this resolution to the House Floor in time for the anniversary."  


So far, nearly 50 Representatives have co-sponsored the bill, which has been referred to the Judiciary Committee.


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