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Waterways Council Honors Duncan with Leadership Service Award


For Immediate Release

March 18, 2005


Washington, D.C. - The Waterways Council Inc. has named Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr., (R-Tenn.) a recipient of its fourth annual Leadership Service Award.


Congressman Duncan is the Chairman of the House Transportation Committee's Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment. Congressman Jerry Costello (D-Ill.), former Ranking Member of the Subcommittee, also received the award. 


"Both Representatives Duncan and Costello personify the Waterways Council Inc.'s Leadership Service Award," said Barry Palmer, Council President and CEO.


The award honors Duncan's work toward establishing and maintaining a modern national system of ports and inland waterways. 


"I am very pleased to receive this award from the Council," Duncan said.  "A strong, well-run waterway system eases the burden placed on our highways and helps the environment.  I thank the Council for its support and will continue to working to strengthen our nation's waterways."



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