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Duncan to visit 'cane-ravaged area

SEPTEMBER 30, 2005

U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. plans Tuesday to visit two Louisiana areas hit hard by Hurricanes Katrina or Rita and talk to relief workers about the extent of work and current federal spending.

Duncan, chairman of the subcommittee that oversees the Army Corps of Engineers, said Thursday he will lead the delegation of a half-dozen House members flying into New Orleans and Lake Charles, La.

The Knoxville Republican said he wants the devastated areas to get the federal help they need, but he is concerned that officials are spending too much too fast with inadequate oversight.

As an example, he criticized the decision to spend $236 million to rent three Carnival cruise ships for six months for temporary housing and then only half-fill the ships with relief workers. Congress already approved $62 billion toward initial Gulf recovery work that may cost $200 billion or more over several years.

"I will not support sending any more money to the Gulf until I feel confident that the federal government is exercising enough oversight" in spending the $62 billion, Duncan said. "Money has begun gushing into the area ... much too fast."

He said he supports proposed requirements that FEMA get bids on future contracts to seek competitive prices.

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