Press Releases

Many Tennessee Priorities Funded in Appropriations BillNovember 20, 2004

-- U.S. Rep. Lincoln Davis was happy to see that many projects for his district and the state of Tennessee received important funding in H.R. 4818, the FY 2005 Omnibus Appropriations bill. "The projects in this bill will do a lot for the Fourth Congressional District and the entire state. The projects will help create jobs, improve local infrastructure, fund our anti-drug forces, increase educational and health care opportunities, and protect some of Tennessee's most beautiful natural areas," said Davis.

The $388.4 billion FY 2005 Omnibus Appropriations bill combined the nine remaining spending bills necessary to fund the government. Earlier in the year Congress passed the Defense, Military Construction, Homeland Security, and District of Columbia spending bills. Congress had to work well into Saturday afternoon to get the Omnibus measured completed.

"The fact that Tennessee did so well in this bill represents the importance of the projects that received funding, as well as the ability of our state delegation to work together, and with our constituents, to do what's best for our individual districts and our state," Davis noted.

Among the bill's many projects and funding for Tennessee are $2 million and $500,000 for the East Tennessee Meth Task Force, and the 13th Judicial District Meth Task Force respectively. Tennessee Tech. University received money for several projects; among them was $500,000 to help establish a nursing center to combat the nursing shortage in Tennessee. $2.5 million was appropriated for the Upper Cumberland Regional Airport to improve both the runway and taxiway. The University of Tennessee Space Institute received $950,000 for the development of low cost fiber technology. Davis was also very pleased to see the $3.5 million and $1.5 million appropriated as part of the Forest Legacy Program for acquiring land at the Walls of Jericho and Scott's Gulf, "This ensures that future generations will be able to visit and enjoy these remarkable places," said Davis

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