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is about to pick up a saw and start working on a Christmas project. Yes, I feel like Tim the Toolman.
Warning: Red Holiday Oreos and chicken nuggets look like Gears of War when your 2-year-old brings them back up in the middle of the night.
loves it that Paper Planes was nominated for Record of the Year. Teh awesome.
@jasonfried That it does. I know what I'm asking Santa for now. Too bad it'll be Christmas of 2010 before I can get one down the chimney.
@stillmotion Agreed. The Big 3 need to drive their Hybrid Escalades off a cliff. I truly hope both Tesla and Fisker succeed.
@stillmotion Disclaimer: I'm a huge Tesla fan... but they've gotta stay in business long enough to ship the WhiteStar. I hope they do.
@stillmotion It's a *plug-in* hybrid... which gives it a distinct advantage over a traditional hybrid... and meets the needs of most drivers
seriously... the Karma is HOT HOT HOT: http://www.fiskerautomotive...
Speaking of getting served, Tesla has some company. Fisker has released production photos of the Karma:
FB Connect is pretty much the beginning of the end. What OpenID struggled to accomplish, Facebook has done in one fell swoop.
@amcmanus I'm sure you'll find a way to manage the excitement. ;)
tested one of the coolest PackRat features ever today. We'll be dropping it next week.
@garrettmurray I personally loved Val Kilmer in that Driver's Ed video he did with Michelle Pfeiffer.
Doug Newby's Architecturally Significant blog is a fave. Here, he ponders the location of the Bush's Dallas home:
Dear GM: As my family will be giving you a government mandated Christmas gift this year, do not expect me to ever buy a car from you again.
if I were in charge of restructuring the US auto makers, the first thing I'd do is kill off the Mercury, Buick and Pontiac brands.
Day & Age has this great cruise ship / Vegas / 80's prom vibe to it. Gotta love the saxophone.
In Texas right now? Check out the moon, Venus and Jupiter.
put up the lights last weekend... so I'm already well on my way toward Christmas holiday bliss.
is leaving the Triangle.


Evan Williams Dunstan veen Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Blake Burris Dave Morin Dan Cederholm Lisa McMillan Dan Benjamin Mike Rundle Keith Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Wilson Miner Derek Featherstone Tom Coates iconmaster Beep. Scott Raymond luxuryluke Snook Garrett Dimon Jackson Wilkinson Dan Rubin Brian Bailey Ryan Carson Matthew Oliphant Jeff Croft Greg Storey James Craig Eris Stassi John Gruber