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watching Gordon Ramsay work with the Mixxing Bowl, weird, don't see Greg, Bryan or Joe.
@zeldman - this blog post made me think of you - you can fix your autocomplete problem now.
oh and @everyone, you suck for not using your account, you could be the god of twitter, instead your just doing my mom.
@everyone - the last two tweets were sarcastic - just saying, after a day of skee ball, got me all fired up.
@mringlein - that is fine, you retweet all my stuff with giving me any credit anyways (insert said video here)
@thorpus - great band, when I was in college use to go see them play at coffee shops in cincy.
running late this morning
@malhinha - hmm where did you find that clip?
Added google event tracking code almost 3 months ago, finally showing up in analytics. Well worth the wait though.
@davewrightjr - sorry I was alone in aisle twelve.
@davewrightjr - - little gift I found in the interwebs for you.
if you are following @mattbacak, please don't follow me, I am not your type.
checking out and their unique navigation. I can dig it.
snowing like crazy here, hopefully the flight tomorrow is still on.
@mringlein @jgarber - Copyright protects expression and patent law protects inventions, you can't patent an idea.
@imulus - what makes you think that?